
I have been tasked by the IAFF Local F25 President Jim Gibaud to research the "Workgroup" schedule. I have gotten some information on it and slightly remember how it worked from some of the guys at NWSY in Yorktown that I have known for years. I am just looking for any input anyone can give, opinions from experiance and if anyone has a copy of that type of schedule that would be great. The two schedules that will be in the running along side of the work group schedule are the 24 on 24 off with a 3 day every two weeks and a 5 day every quarter, and the 48 on 72 off for 3 cycles 48 on 48 off for 1 cycle. Again any opinions or experiance will be greatly appreciated. If you can and feel comfortable please include your name, rank, and email address in the reply.

John E. Musey IV FFEMT
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire & Emergency Services
District 3 Virgina Beach
Station 8 Dam Neck Annex A-Shift

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Glad to see someone do a reality check. We at Navy region Mid-Atlantic have some folks pushing this hard but they are putting out some bogus information. When a few of us "old guys" took a real look at it we found alot of negitives. It seems that there are a whole lot of trade offs to get a couple extra days off in a row. It just does not seem like a system that is fair to all the members. We have a couple guys trying to tell us that we will all have better family time. Seems to me that is going to depend on your individual situation and what break group you get assigned to. I know in my family with my wife working and my daughter in high school I will lose quailty family time. It also seems to me as a captain that working a group system instead of a shift system I will not have a "company", but different guys each day. How is this affecting you guys? We are trying to get enough info so our people can make an informed decision.
I agree with you Bryan. One of the points we are trying to bring out is that this is not a simple change. It affects every members home and professional life in a MAJOR way. We have some folks that keep saying lets just try it for a year. We are keep telling them that it is not that easy. We have been a local for five years since regionalization and don't even have a contract. I think that should be more important than changing to an unfair work schedule. The guys that are pushing this schedule keep claiming that everyone that has tried this schedule loves it. However we can't get any names or departments from them. I am not against change, but there should be more benefits then cons. I don't believe in change just for the sake of change. Thanks again for your honest and common sense response.
CHRIS !!!!!!!
Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As you see we here in NAVY MID ATLANTIC ARE TRYN TO GET THE 48-72... But we have people like Kevin (who responded before your post) That are going everything they can do shoot it down.. Maybe your insight can help him see things!!!!!!!!! I am one of the people he was talking about putting out bad info but i have received a lot of help from you guys in jacksonville, i have talked to your VP down there and he has sent me a lot of paperwork and excel charts on saving from sl and al......... and the pros and cons......... Yes it is true that we dont have a conctract signed as of yet .........But Kevin why don't you help push the contract thru verses stopping the 48-72..............
Thanks Chris, I will admit that I am now against it. This is because I have done my own research on it and not counted on someone else to do it for me. As you point out, in the end it is a deeply personal decision for each of us and should not be forced on anyone. As for you Nukey, What turned me off to 48-72 iniatially was the personal attacks you made on anyone on the F-25 message board that disagreed with you. That got me looking into it deeper. I don't understand why we can't disagree on an issue and voice our opinions. You don't need to attack people if your cause is just. All you have to do is put out accurate information. Then we can just agree to disagree and go on with life. Also I wonder how many departments that are on this schedule don't have a contract and are trying to operate under a bunch of seperate old contracts. I want a contract as much as anyone but have as much control over it as you do. I would hate to give management control over this without us having a contract.
Hello, my name is Kevin Burns. I am a Fire Captain at Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire and Emergency Services and a member of IAFF Local F-25, Tidewater Federal Firefighters. We are now in the process of voting on weather to pursue the 48-72 work schedule. A number of us feel that we have not been given a lot of accurate information. We have done some research on our own but could really use some help from folks who are already on the schedule. If you could answer any of the attached questions, it would be greatly appreciated.
Personally I am not impressed with the schedule. However, our biggest concern is that our members go into this with their eyes wide open and with as much factual information as they can get.

Please e-mail replies to or call me at (757) 636-4812

Thank you for any help you can give us..

Chris and Bryan I am sending this to your e-mail.
I work at Naval Weapon Station Charleston. Their has been a lot of discussion about going to the 48-72 work schedule, but nobody is entirely sure how it works. If you could send me the powerpoint presentation you have at your earliest conveinience, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks John
This appears to be an old topic, but I just felt that maybe I could help out. I'm a Lieutenant with the Fire and Emergency Services Division at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. I have been on the Department for approximately 11 years. Our work schedule is 24 on 24 off with 72 off every 2 weeks and 5 days of every quarter. We work 2 platoons with seven groups in each platoon.For example:

Date Day Plt Off Group
May 1 Thur A 3
May 2 Fri B 3
May 3 Sat A 4
May 4 Sun B 4
May 5 Mon A 5
May 6 Tues B 5
May 7 Wed A 6
May 8 Thur B 6
May 9 Fri A 7
May 1o Sat B 7
May 11 Sun A 7
May 12 Mon B 7
May 13 Tues A 1

Note: 3 day breaks go in order: group 1, group 2, group 3, etc.
5 day breaks go in reverse order: group 7, group 6, group 5, etc.

I love this schedule. I find that I have alot of free time to take care of things, and make events with the family alot easier then most other schedules.
sample of our schedule
Work Day Groups Day of Week
Day 1 1,3,5 Sunday
Day2 1,3,6 Monday
Day 3 2.4.6 Tuesday
Day 4 2,4,7 Wenesday
Day 5 3,5,7 Thursday
Day 6 1, 3,5 Friday
Day 7 1,4,6 Saturday
Day 8 2,4,6 Sunday
Day 9 2,5,7 Monday
Day 10 3,5,7 Tuesday
Day11 1,3,6 Wensday
Day 12 1,4,6 Thursday
Day 13 2,4,7 Friday
Day 14 2,5,7 Saturday

Each group has a "Kelly Day" that work in line with the three day off. As for me my group 3 is off every Saturday which means that one week it is Saturday, Sunday, Monday and the next week is Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Heres some 48-72 info for all who want it.. It is what our local has worked on... Have any questions contact
PS let me know what you think of it
Heres the powerpoint check it out... email if you have questions
Our Statioin did a 6 month trial. We took it to the Union for a vote. Then to the F/C. After 6 months, we all agreed to go to this schedule. One thing already in our advantage was that we were already on the 7 group system for about 22 years. We'll never go back to the old shift. Even though it's still 144 per pay period, it's less travel time to work, money saved on baby sitters moral is up, sick leave down by 66%, Overtime down 40%. It's a no brainer. Some of the old timer's who don't like change will enjoy it too. I've been in the Fed Fire system going on 36 years & I was for it from the get go. I was the ring leader to get this off the ground. Here's a copy of our work schedule. Any questions can contact me at Wrench.Smith@conus.Army.Mil
well I have worked all three of your examples since I started federal service. The lasted one is the 48 on 72 off. In my opinion this is the best of all three. I live about 35 miles from the station and not having to drive in everyother day is very cost efficient saving me about $60-100 each month on gas. beside the added advantage of the 3 days off .

David B. Gill
Navy Region Southeast Fire & Emergency Services


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