
I have been tasked by the IAFF Local F25 President Jim Gibaud to research the "Workgroup" schedule. I have gotten some information on it and slightly remember how it worked from some of the guys at NWSY in Yorktown that I have known for years. I am just looking for any input anyone can give, opinions from experiance and if anyone has a copy of that type of schedule that would be great. The two schedules that will be in the running along side of the work group schedule are the 24 on 24 off with a 3 day every two weeks and a 5 day every quarter, and the 48 on 72 off for 3 cycles 48 on 48 off for 1 cycle. Again any opinions or experiance will be greatly appreciated. If you can and feel comfortable please include your name, rank, and email address in the reply.

John E. Musey IV FFEMT
Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Fire & Emergency Services
District 3 Virgina Beach
Station 8 Dam Neck Annex A-Shift

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John, we currently are working the 24 on 24 off squedule with a 3 day every two weeks and a five day every 14 weeks. We work in 7 groups with two shifts. We like it. I asked a while ago if anyone was interested in working the 48 on 72 off. Needless to say the 48 72 squedule will never happen here. Hope this helps... Tell Cox the wicked step children of the North say hello. Stay Safe. As for my name and rank I'll nicely put it as I work for the Submarine Base Fire Department, Headquarters and Station 2, a Division of Midlants District 6.
Is Jimmy going to try and change the work squedule for local? And if so why? Oh and how you boys doing with your ambulance?
John what is your position there? Are you the Bat cheif or son who is the firefighter?? ( check this site out! for more info............ If you are senior should you be working with the union...
John, we to are looking in to other schedules. We currently work 24on 24 off with a two day each tour and a four day ever 7 weeks. We have resarched this 48/72 shift and the 24 on 24 off with a 3 day each tour w/ the 5 day ever 14 weeks. More my guys are pushing toward the 48/72 shift due to days off in a row. I found another schedule we are looking in to, its 48 on 48 off 48 on 48 off 48 on 96 off, I ran it buy some of the guys and they like it so far but I havent been able to find much information on this schedule. It might be worth looking into. IF anyone has any info on this schedule please email me, The website that Nukefirefighter put in his post provide alot of good info on the 48/72 shift schedule.

There are a lot of unknowns about the 48-72 schedule, I am currently working on compiling the information into a powerpoint to explain the pro's and con's of the 24on24 rotating K-Day schedule. When it comes to Jim, I am not totally sure. I have been kept somewhat in the dark, kinda like the President of the Mushroom Club, kept in the dark and fed crap all day. I do know that it is supposed to be coming up for a vote. It should be put on the website, and all I ask is that even if you and the northern boys aren't for it, just give it a look atleast you will have the info for reference and you can know vote with a full knowlege of the situation.

I am the firefighter, for now, maybe in 20 or so years I will have achieved one of those elusive "prestigeous" white shirts. As for my father, he is very active in helping whom ever asks him. Be it the union or mgmt., he holds firm to a very unbiased opinion. His only concerns are "what will be the best for the firemen of all ranks and the department." He unfortunately is out on an on the job injury, 45 DAYS!, however if you have something that you would like to pass on I would be glad to do it, or I can get him in contact with you if that is th route you would rather.

I have some rather good info on all the schedules except the 48-48-96 that you speak of. I would like, if you would be so kind, for you to send me the info that you have on the 48-48-96 schedule. If you need any info on the other 3 schedules I have already amde powerpoints on them discussing pro's and con's.
Post what you have on the union web site for your local guys here in navy regional..... Before our meeting on the 28 and 29 of this month............ Oh why are you looking at the 48 48 96?? The only schedule we are looking at is the 48/72......... Thats the only one that will not effect our pay!!!!!! " I am currently working on compiling the information into a powerpoint to explain the pro's and con's of the 24on24 rotating K-Day schedule" Hey thats what we are on now! Work on the 48/72!!! DUH!
Not to sound like a jerk Nuke but aren't we all in the navy regional now? One department right? At least thats what there telling us up here. Stay Safe. And I agree with you Nuke 48/72 sounds good. Like I said before I tried to see how my guys felt about it here and they weren't to keen on staying here for two days straight. Maybe F-25 will have better luck with there "DISTRICT" guys.
Hey, I'd like to help. We at Fort Lewis, WA. work the 48 on 48 off. I've tried to include a copy of all the group numbers but it won't transfer. If your give me an e-mail address I'll try to send it to ya. We run out of 4 stations & staff 6 pieces for equipment. Stay safe, Ric
I have a powerpoint of the 48,48,96 and the 48/72 give me a email address and I can send it to you.
Ya, would be alot of help please send to
Hey John,

I work with Navy Region NW, and we're also working on going to a multi-day schedule. If you could e-mail me a copy of both your powerpoints I would really appreciate it.

Stay safe,



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