The 2009 version of NFPA 1901is going to mandate chevrons on the rear of apparatus, like they do in Europe. I think it's a great idea who's time has finally come. I'm sure many FF's and civilian's lives will be saved by this. We need to be visible out there. Some F.D's have been doing this for a while, (see the JPG below). What do you think?

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A great idea. they look good and anything to help scene safety, but I am very cynical in my belief that if the drivers out there do not see a big red/white/yellow/whatever trucks with many flashing lights, chevrons are not going to make a difference.
In a lot of cases the drivers blind spot is a 360 degree area.
When you add alcohol, a driver is more likely to drive towards the pretty flashing lights of a fire engine or police car. (I read a study on that) The chevrons will be one more tool in our "safety tool box". Stay safe!
I don't like the French... Whatever they do is bad... If they do it, I don't like it... But I suppose if NFPA says it needs to be, so be it... It really is a good thing... I believe the Brits started it, the French could never come up with something like this... I'm kidding, but I really don't like the French.
If it saves lives I am for it.
I like it, you can sure see the back of the rigs. Now if we can train the drunk drivers, have to pass the crash a high speed drivers, and lookieloo drivers to not drive or drive right then maybe we will not get hurt. Terrible important to the positioning of appratus so the apparatus is the stop sign all 25 tons of it. Trucks are real easy to fix firefighters are not.
This is a great idea my dept recently started doing this for all of units that run on the interstate. It improves the visibility of your apparatus for oncoming traffic. i been on the interstate plenty and have some close calls just by getting out of the truck and the reason they say that they almost hit us is they can't see the truck.The plain fact is lights are just not enough their like a magnet for traffic to hit us . Take care and be safe!!
i think this is a great idea, sure i have herd that it looks like crap, but it can save lives and thats what it is all about...Omnis Cedo Domus "Everyone Goes Home"
Tommy Jr.
Omnis Cedo Domus
It is one of the few changes I agree with. It is already included in The National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), of course each state has their own based on the federal statute. Any new apparatus or ambulances we purchase will have them in the spec NFPA or not. At least it will be a little less diamond plate to polish.
I'm for it 100%.
I say it's about time!

I would have to say that I agree with NFPA on this. It is all to often when an emergency vehicle is struck and the driver always has the same answer. " I just din't see it there".
So to make departments go to this standard is a great I dea. The cheveerons on the back of tha apparatus would make the visibility a lot better and make a scene at night that much more safer for those of us that have to be out there. The only thing I wish they would do is make this a mandatory change for ALL apparatus in service. I mean not a sudden change but put in a strict guidline that within the next five years all apparatus that is are in service must be compliant to thia statndard. i know there a lot of low budget departments out there, mine included, but my thought is is loosing a life on a scene worth saving a few hundred dollars.

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