The 2009 version of NFPA 1901is going to mandate chevrons on the rear of apparatus, like they do in Europe. I think it's a great idea who's time has finally come. I'm sure many FF's and civilian's lives will be saved by this. We need to be visible out there. Some F.D's have been doing this for a while, (see the JPG below). What do you think?

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I agree, instead of saying that all "new" apparatus must have chevrons on the rear, they should give a time limit by the end of which "ALL" apparatus that is in service must have them. But as Shayne pointed out, there are many "budget challenged" departments out there for which this would cause financial hardship. On the plus side, in another 10 years, virtually every apparatus that is in service will most likely be equipped with chevrons as older apparatus is retired.
I like the idea....but to "make us more visible..?" Hey if you can't see a 40,00 lb fire engine with lights flashing and all...then I don't think the cevrons will make a lot of I do like the thought....How about the new NFPA about NOT wearing a helmet while riding in the truck...?? interferes with the headrest...supposed to be SECURED somewhere on the truck...cannot be carried...where do we put the darn things..?
It took me a couple of years, but I'm convinced they are a good idea at this point. I'd like to get them on our new engine, but might have some trouble persuading the Chief...
The chevrons in bright colors along with flashing lights dont mean squat. Vehicle placement is KEY in scene safety. When Im on the box it chaps my ass when the Lt fails to cover the working scene with the firetruck. I-65 is a major artery with hundreds of cars tooling by at 70+ mph. This interstate runs through my jurisdiction and on several occassions Ive been called to it for wrecks. We must make the scene safe for our brothers.

Chevrons are a great idea coupled with flashing lights and good vehicle placement. These tools should be used everytime when you find yourself out of your truck working a wreck that is on a busy street or highway. While it aint pretty (some of the schemes) if it gets me thru the shift home to the chitlins I say buy 2 more...
We just took delivery of a new Pierce Velocity Engine. It's got the red & yellow chevrons on the rear, and I'm told our new tower ladder will have them also.
I think they are a great idea . to bad they look like crap,but what ever helps i'm for it
We just got 5 new engines and a new rescue. The rear chevrons look like a$$ but they are very visible. The front bumper chevrons look worse but then again they do their job.
You know 50 years from now Firefighters will take chevrons on thier apparatus for granted and wonder why anyone didn't like them; as with all change, they take getting used to. Chevrons have been standard on Firefighting apparatus on many countries for decades already.

I don't know how much more visible a large red (or yellow or white or black, etc) rig with flashing lights has to be so someone won't hit it, or so they will clear the road. lol If it helps great, as long as it doesn't present another distraction and something else for inattentive drivers to look at.
i don' t like them and i don't belive they are going to change anything. here in greater cincinnati and northern kentucky the highway maintenace crews use the yellow and black chevrons on impact energy absorbing barriers that are attached to the back of the dump trucks. people still hit them. the only thing that really changed is the idiot drivers don't die because of the barriers.
Don't give 'em any thing you know we'll have giant energy-absorbing, fold-down bumpers on the back of our apparatus...just like the road crews.

Madison County Kentucky Trucks leave their Rear arrow Sticks running All the time that seems to have worked greatly

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