More than 100 FREE online training classes...Interested?

I have been on a quest to find as many free online training classes I can for over a year. To date, I have taken over 100 online courses and have received certificates in all of them but that is just the tip of the iceberg of what I have found available. I am currently in the process of enrolling in a degree program through Columbia Southern University (online), and know that many of the certificates I have received from these online training classes will be accepted for college credit.


I have decided, at the request/suggestion of another FFN member (Captain Busy) to post all the website links I have found, so that all of my friends and fellow firefighters can benefit from the time I have spent researching these sites.


Enjoy the list and let me know what you think or if there are any courses you may be interested in that I do not have listed. Never know I may just be able to find them for you. Happy studying!!! Be careful and stay safe out there!

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Have you found any good hazmat refresher's? I could sure use one
Tammy, Impressive post if indeed you found that many online courses that provided certificates for participation as well as college credits. Good job doing the research. I for one would appreciate you simply editing this post to contain as many of the online contact links.

Who cares what anyone thinks about online training classes... Any training is good training and it should never stop. The fact that you were able to be so successful is amazing. Please share these links so everyone can benefit from your work. I know it will be very much appreciated by all the other firefighters here on the FFN. If you truly have 100 online courses, then change your discussion topic to:

100 Free Online Training Courses... Interested?

With so many links, you might consider grouping them into functional areas, e.g. firefighting, hazmat, NIMS, etc. Thanks again for all your hard work!

Captain Busy, Thanks for your comments. Maybe that should be my name, LOL! I will take your advice and change this post's title and I will try to group the courses together based on topic. Doing that may take a little time though, I was just editing my jumbled mess in a Word document from where I copied & pasted all the links. Also, just a little FYI, most of the sites offer multiple courses. Thanks again for your encouragement & it is nice to know I am not the only one that feels continuing education and training are so darn importment. Take care and stay safe!
Dustin, if you read my reply to Captain Busy (below) you will see that I am currently editing the full list of sites that I have found. I will also be grouping them together in lists according to topic or area of study. I can send you a direct email to let you know when I am finished with it if you would like. Thank for you interest.
Although I prefer hands-on training with an instructor, I think online training is a great adjunct. Can't wait to see the final product with breakdowns by category.
Tammy your post is of the utmost assistance to me and I thank you and strongly encourage you to continue to research and share this knowledge
Captain Busy good pick up on this thread.
Helps me as a vollie. I have a full time job so its kinda cool to be able to do some of these trainings in my spare time at home.
hmmm... thought I replied to this?. If I didn't, I meant to.
What you are doing here is absolutely amazing. I, for one, am endlessly thankful. A person that would take so much time with research, then post their findings here for everyone to see and use is, in my book, a truly outstanding individual.
I also believe that any training is good training. As long as the person is able to retain just a piece of the information, it is well worth it.
Again, thank you Tammy. Great job.
Here are a few sites to get everyone started (more to follow). I have also included a list of courses available on each site.
1. Domestic Preparedness Campus – (22 courses total)
WMD PER301 (PER301NE2026) - Children and Nerve Agents

WMD PER302 (PER302NE2027) - Canine Emergency Medical Care

WMD AWR 201 (100) - Introduction to SNS and Mass Prophylaxis

WMD PER303 (PER 303NE2028) - Emergency Management

WMD PER304 (PER 304NE2029) - Medical Effects of Primary Blast Injuries

AWR 111 (002a AWR-110) - Basic EMS Concepts for WMD Incidents AWR-111

AWR 112 (AWR112) - Public Works for WMD (CBRNE) Incidents: Basic Concepts AWR-112

WMD PER 306 (PER306NE2031) - Botulism

WMD 006a (006) - MGT-101 - WMD Incident Management/Unified Command Concepts

2. CFITrainer –
The HAZWOPER Standard

Preparation for the Marine Fire Scene

Effective Investigation and Testimony

Arc Mapping Basics

UPDATED 2009- The Scientific Method for Fire and Explosion Investigation
Motive, Means, and Opportunity: Determining Responsibility in an Arson Case
Fire and Explosion Investigations: Utilizing NFPA 1033 and 921

Postflashover Fires

A Ventilation-Focused Approach to the Impact of Building Structures and Systems on Fire Development

Vacant and Abandoned Buildings: Hazards and Solutions

Managing Complex Fire Scene Investigations

Understanding Fire Through the Candle Experiments

Documenting the Event

Physical Evidence at the Fire Scene

Critical Thinking Solves Cases

Introduction to Evidence

Fire Dynamics Calculations

Insurance and the Fire Investigation

Investigating Motor Vehicle Fires

Fire Investigator Scene Safety

An Analysis of the Station Nightclub Fire

Digital Photography and the Fire Investigator

Ethics and the Fire Investigator

MagneTek: A Case Study In The Daubert Challenge

Introduction to Fire Dynamics and Modeling

3. Emergency Operations Training Academy (EOTA) –
CIP100D: Introduction to Analytical Risk Management

CIP300DC: Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD): Training

CIP400DC: Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD): Training Exercises

CMP116DW: Sample Control Training, Introduction

CMP123DW: Geographic Information System (GIS) Overview

CMP124DW: Consequence Management Official (CMO) Training

ECC101DW: Categorization and Classification Overview

ECC120D: Integrating Emergencies into the Occurrence Reporting System

ECC130D: Emergency Classification Decision Making with Imperfect Information Workshop

EFE101DW: Emergency Facilities and Equipment Overview

EMS200D: Emergency Medical Integration & Coordination

ENC101DW: Emergency Notifications and Communications

EPA102DW: Program Administration Overview

EPA130DW: Roles and Responsibilities of the EM Program Administrator

EPI101DW: Emergency Public Information Overview

EPI110D: Spokesperson and the Media Training

EPI120D: Joint Information Center (JIC) Overview

ERA101DW: Readiness Assurance Overview

ERA200D: Preparing for Evaluation of Your Emergency Management Program or Exercise

ERO110D: Roles and Responsibilities of Initial Responders: Enhancing Initial Response Effectiveness

ERO120D: Enhancing Initial Response Effectiveness: General Exercise

ERO121D: Enhancing Initial Response Effectiveness: Transportation Exercise

ERO122D: Enhancing Initial Response Effectiveness: Security Exercise

ERO150D: Critical Thinking Skills

ERO170D: Explosive Effects and Countermeasures

ERO220D: Enhancing Response Effectiveness

ETD101DW: Introduction to Training and Drills

EXR101DW: Overview of the DOE/NNSA Emergency Exercise Program

EXR102DW: Developing Exercise Scenarios

EXR131DW: Fundamentals of Exercise Design

NARAC101: NARAC Dispersion Modeling


OER105DW: Introduction to Radiation

OER122DW: Crisis / Critical Communications

ORI101DW: Managing Offsite Response Interfaces

PAR200D: Protective Actions & Reentry for Emergency Planners

PAR300D: Implementing Protective Actions & Reentry for Decision-Makers

RAP112DW: Radiological Assistance Program: Health and Safety

RAP130DW: Principles of Radiation

RAP140DW: Principles of Navigation

RAP150DW: Assessment and Data Processing

RAP160DW: Security Procedures for the RAP Responder

RAP163DW: Explosive Threat Awareness

RAP165DW: DOE/NNSA Asset Overview

RAP166DW: Mission Planning

RAP168DW: DOE/NNSA Policy and Procedures

RAP169DW: Principles of Recordkeeping and Information Management

RAP170DW: Response Agency Network

RAP171DW: Crime Scene Issues, Hazards, and Law Enforcement Interface

RAP180DW: Training Practices and Instructor Development

RAP190DW: Radiological Assistance Program (RAP) Overview

CIP110DW: Vehicle Bomb Search Methods

CMP101DW: Operations Overview of Consequence Management

CMP104DW: Health and Safety Orientation

CMP105DW: Analysis Leadership Training

CMP108DW: Technical Training for CM Managers

CMP109DW: WMD Response Training

CMP110DW: Assessment Manual Training

CMP112DW: Field Monitoring Team Training, Introduction

CMP114DW: Monitoring Division Manager Training, Introduction

EMS101DW: Emergency Medical Support Introduction

ERO102DW: Emergency Response Organization Overview

4. -

Hazardous Materials Response

Incident Command System

Evacuation Coordinator

Emergency Response Planning

Unified Command System

Bloodborne Pathogens

Container Inspections

Hospital-Based Decontamination

I am working on putting the other sites into lists that I can copy & paste. I should have these completed by the end of the week. Please send feed back regarding these classes. I would love to know what the rest of you think about them. Happy studying!!!
Wow Tammy. Very impressive. Awesome job.
I think I might have to do some research as well, and find out whats available on line for the Canadian emergency services. I started to look a while ago, and I too will now list the results of my research:

Sites for free online Canadian courses that I have found:

well ok, the list is not as long, but I am sure there must be some for us right? lol
thanks again for your hard work Tammy
Actually Brian, I have found a Therory of SAR course that is offered in Canada. I took it about a week or so ago and thought it was very informative. Here is the link to it:

Enjoy! I will continue to look for courses offered in Canada for all those on FFN from there.
While I am disabled and not working, its very important to me to try and keep up with the changes in the emergency services. I had access to our provincial emergency services college and could take any courses they offered free, right at their facility. BUT, in order to so, I had to be a member of a fire department.
Now that I am not a member, its difficult to find courses. My main objective is to return to the fire services one day. Hopefully it won't be too long because by the time I do get to go back, I might have to look for a new course that should be offered by then called "FIREFIGHTING FOR DUMMIES" lol
Thanks again

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