I work for a career department of about 400 uniform personnel.  We have some pretty busy rigs (around 4,000 runs per year).  Currently about 90% of our apparatus are Darley.  We have gone through a major purchasing wave of rigs for us to the tune of about 8 Engines with more soon to be ordered.  They've served us pretty well, we have had several rigs last well over 10 years and some with more than 200,000 miles. 


But, nearly everytime we get a rig there is a ton of "bugs" that need to get worked out.  Example digital flowmeter and pressure gauges not caliberated, leaky cab roofs, door latches replaced, bulbs replaced, AC not working,oil leaks, the list goes on.  I am wondering what other brands do people use and is this a common problem amongst other brands, and if not what brands have people had good luck with?  Also what kind of call volume do you run and what type of rig i.e. pumper, ladder, whatever.  Also, if others have had darley have you had any problems or we just lucky?

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I will start by saying this that any truck you buy my have problems but if you are getting a laundry list of problems like that from every truck from the same manufatry or just that many problems over a couple of truck I would say have your deptments purching officer contact your local dealers for Pierce, Seagrave, Ferrara, E-one, Rosenbauer. My fire company just bought two new Pierce Trucks a pumper/rescue and a mid mount platform. But i use to work for a Ferrara and a Seagrave dealer and I would say that Ferrara is a dam good truck. But if you guys contact your local dealers they will bring done what you are looking for or as close to it as the avalible demo is so you can see what the truck looks like and how well it is made.

We have a 1990 ferrara a 1991 mack 2006 pierce and they are all still in great pumper/ rescue. And our light rescue is a ford www.sjbfd.com

My #1 POC FD has a 2005 HME that has had only 1 issue directly related to manufacture by HME and that is a foam leak in the filter for the foam pump.


On my career FD our last three rigs have been Pierces and while they are very nice rigs they have all had bugs that had to be worked out after delivery.


I believe that if you buy a new piece of fire apparatus to day and have absolutely no issues with it you are the exception and not the rule today.  No matter who built it. 

Our county fire service was going with Seagrave for a long time but there have been some problems like cracks in the frames on some of the of the apparatus. Most apparatus bought by volunteer depts have been doing great with a few problems.

The fire service has now jumped on contract with other surrounding counties to purchase Pierce apparatus and ask the volunteer depts if they want to join in purchasing new apparatus for their dept on the same contract.

Most of the counties have bought the same ambulances and special apparatus  on joint contracts in the past year.

The dept I run with just boought a Toyne. So far no bugs.

We run approx 500 calls per yr 90% of those are EMS.

We have 2 engines one is a 2000 HME/Quality Rescue pumper the other is a 2012 HME/Toyne pumper tanker.

So far when we buy another truck its probably gonna be a Toyne. Really great company to deal with. 

My current department runs white-over-red vehicles that are a ride to work.  I don't get too hung up in manufacturers as long as the rig does the job it's supposed to do.

Our run volume is not much. Are last two pumpers have been built by 4 guys ones a 2009 freight liner  the other is a 1999 freight liner. Are rescue was built buy 4 guys that's a 1991 Chevy. Are new tanker we just ordered is being built by 4 guys as well. We have not had any problems with them other then the foam line leaking on the newest pumper. The guys have been great to work with over the years. 

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