Well for me I have loved this "business" since i was a youngster. I live a block away from the station so I can rember when the siren went off i'd rush over to the window and watch all the men rush over to the station jump on the trucks and head out!

I was always captivated how when the siren goes off people come from where ever and drop everything to help in most cases people we dont even know!

I have always had this saying "that the you don't pick the job the job picks you!" We are a different breed of people we care when others could careless! It's not always easy but that's why I love it.

Well im done now lets hear why you love the job!

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i love being able to help people and give back to the people in my community, i love the adrenilin of going to a fire and knowing that i have helped someone in someway, i love the job because its not just any job, its 'THE JOB' , its who i am , its in my blood , i was born to do this

haha forggot i had already posted on this , i didnt read last page

ok ready for this one!  I was told that I wasn't big enough or tough enough to do the job!  Made me apply and prove everyone wrong!  As soon as I joined I went through the fire academy program that the state I lived in gave.  I still wanted to do it even after that!  The first 4 to 5 years I just fought fires and had no problems doing it.  Then I started to talk to other firefighters around the country and found out about different magazines and trade shows and started reading and attending and then game on.  I breathed, ate, slept firefighting!  I would be talking to my friends about what I had learned and they would look at me and ask me what I was talking about.  Forgetting they didn't have the same interest in doing what I  love to do!  That love as a volunteer took me to a new level of being a paid firefighter.  Which took me to becoming the Training Officer, then the Fire Prevention Specicalist I am today!  15 years later and still going strong and proving that I'm tough enough and big enough!  Oh and along that way I was in a horrible car accident to the point the doctors said my career was over and put in a wheel chair for some time, but I proved them wrong to!  So all you young future firefighters out there I hope that gives you some encouragement!!!

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