I have been around the fire service sence i was six years of age i am now 20 years old.
I have lefted the fire deparment i grew up around joined another company which i love so far!
The new truck is ready. The group will leave Sunday to go pick it up and take it back to the dealer. We hope to have it in service by July. At our business meeting tonight we discussed that we would have to order some more equpment to put on it and have driver/pump training first. It might get to go to the state convention in mid July but that is still up for discussion.
Just a reminder class on Tuesday is at 7:00pm at the Beaver Falls downtown station. You will need your bunker gear. no air pack
Hope to see you guys there. In the mean time Stay low and be safe.
Dan C.
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Is Paul Abbott on ur department? BE SAFE!!!
LOL Dont we look good together LOL
Check out The Fire Company under E Bay Stores. They have Orange Nomex Hoods.
D Calderwood HFFD
Just a reminder class on Tuesday is at 7:00pm at the Beaver Falls downtown station. You will need your bunker gear. no air pack
Hope to see you guys there. In the mean time Stay low and be safe.
Dan C.
wallacwh@delhi.edu or whw48bjw56@delhi.net
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