Just curious how many of your depts issue you radios over pagers? If so what radios do you carry? Do you find it an inconvenience?

My dept issues everyone a Min V and the officers also get Motorola HT1250. If we want to buy our own we can. I have a Kenwood.

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I carry a Minitor V pager my dept also issues radios but we also keep some on the truck so I just grab one of those if need be.

My department issues radios, Either kenwood tk380s on Kenwood tk3140.

Min V pager as well.  Officers get radio and pager; the officers I hang out with tend to keep the radio on the kitchen counter if they're home, or in their car if they're not; they only carry it physically ON them during fire department business/operations.  Can't even tell you what brand they are.

In my department, black helmet fireman get issued pagers between motorola minitor 2 - minitor 5, but the red, orange, and white helmets are issued pager and radios. Usually Motorola HT1250s

I have a pager and a radio because I am an officer on my dept.

We issue our ff with a pager right now min2 soon will be going to new radio system and will all get v's. Chiefs and officers get radios and we keep some on the trucks for internal ops and the water supply officer. I the new radios will all be motorol's. 

I have a Motorola MT1000 and a Minitor V for fire, and a Minitor II for EMS

We issue Minitor V's to members and isssue officer's radios. We are looking at issuing radios in the future as we purchase new equipment. In most cases we can purchase a basic radio for less money than what the pagers cost.



In my department e eryone is issued a Minitor. I also carry a Motorola 1250 as do the other chiefs.

For the fd we are issued monitor v's and the officers are issued ht1250's. For the ambulance I volunteer with we are issued monitor 4'sv and a ht1250

Just curious, what are the orange guys :)?

Haz-Mat or EMS I would guess???

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