I know I can't be the only one with this problem....

I'm on my second set of Bourkes and they are starting to droop again, does anyone else have this problem and what are some solutions to fixing this? Super glue? Weld? Thanks for the input...

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Take them off, and leave them off. 



What NOVA said.


Get goggles if you want more dependable eye protection.  I recommend carrying the snap-on ESS goggles in a pocket so they stay clean and unscratched until you need them and out of the way when masked up.

The screw breaks thats what happed to mine

After the bourkes have been exposed to some considerable heat overtime, they begin to melt and actually "droop" down a bit or sometimes curl under towards your face.  I agree with NOVA, just take them off and leave them off but replace them with some sort of eye protection.

OSHA compliant eye protection (Bourkes are not)

What he said.^^^^^^^^ That $3 pair of safety glasses from the home depot work just fine.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the eye protection must be installed and/or issued by the helmet manufacturer to be compliant.

Our Department has Face Shields but I still carry a pair of OSHA approved Safety Glasses in a old sock in my Turnout coat pocket. Works great. In most cases in fire fighting you should have on a SCBA mask.

to each his/her own what type of eye protection they want on their helmet.  Some like the traditional look with the bourkes.  The only suggestion that i have for the drooping problem is to replace them and also to keep a set of safety glasses in your turnout gear.  NFPA ask that you have 2 forms of eye protection on your persons, OSHA as long as you have the safety glasses you are current with them.  So Matt i suggest that your replace them or look to see if all the screws are tightened up on the bourkes.

By droop I do not mean melt. I mean the spring gets loose on holding them up tight and they begin to drop down a little. There is about 2 cm gap in between the top of the bourke and the brim of the helmet.

I had the same problem with a brand new helmet. I just took the bourkes off and bent the flat bar that screws to the helmet,I just put a slight bend with the two outside ends turning up towards the helmet. Just enough to where the ends touch and the middle has to be forced in with the screws when reinstalling the bourkes. It now fits snug up and out of the way.

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