Budgets is a touchy subject for some communities. The size of the district, number of members, what equipment, special concerns in their district ie: commercial, mostly residential, hazmat concerns, etc. are all relative topics that need to be addressed. I know that where I am there is much discussion about the size of the budgets and the amount of equipment vs. the need has become a subject of topic throughout the communities.
30 members that run out of 2 stations. We are a BLS non-transport department. Respond to fire, mva, haz mat, and medical calls. Two engines, two tankers, two rescue trucks, and one grass rig. We average 200 calls a year.
Annual budget of $60,000.00 and a fund for new equipment of $12,000.00 per year(spend it or you'll lose it). Out of the 60,000.00 we have to pay for everything, repairs, insurance, maintence, ppe, fuel, utilities, training, and equipment. The 60,000.00 is what we have had to work with for the last 7 years, no increases even though fuel and insurance has risen. Usually at the end of the year we'll be lucky if we can finish with 2-3 grand leftover. Residents pay a "fire" tax but it's our township board who decides how much they'll give to us to operate.
We do an annual fundraiser but it'll only bring in maybe $2,000.00-$3,000.00, it's done more as a public service then a way to make money.
We are told when it's time to form a truck committee for a new apparatus by our township board and until then we have no idea what's going on. We do have decent apparatus(engines are good, rescues excellent, tankers lacking, grass rig excellent) so we can't complain alot about that however there is equipment and training that we would like to be able to have that would help.
We would always like to be able to have a little more $ to work with so that we can improve instead of just trying to keep our heads above water.
Ours is $22,000.00 a year. Population of 500, cover 106 sq miles. We pay for everything out of that money. We only average 20 calls a year, and that includes mutual aid. We average 40 first responder calls a year. We have 1- 2006 engine, 1- 2011 vac tender, 1- 1989 equipment van, and a 1995 brush truck.
We straddle the boundry of two Emergency Services Districts and as such get funds from both. Last year between the two ESDs we took in less than $20,000 and had expenditures of over $25,000. The excess was covered by savings from years where we operated in the black. Big ticket repairs on trucks and equipment is covered by the ESD. We are responsible for all operating costs. Fuel averages around $900/month. Utilities for the station are in the neighbor hood of $400/month. PPE is funded through a state forest service grant system at the rate of 90/10 (state/us). Communications gear is 100% us however as are minor repairs to vehicles and equipment. We don't have a budget, though the other chief officers and I are developing one to use starting this year. I hated the bean counting in the Navy, turns out still do.
Our county provides each volunteer fire company certain amounts of county money plus what is provided by the state.
The moneies have to separated into categories subject to be reviewed by the county fire commissioners.
The county provides gas and diesel for all vehicles under county maintenance at fire services maintenance shop or central service maintenance shops around the county.
Turnout gear, uniforms, medical supplies, fire equipment and station supplies come out of the county warehouse.
Our county pretty much supplies everything for both career and volunteer stations and keep track of what is spent by dept and if anyone goes over spending.
Our budget is right around $250,000. We do a 60/40 split on that. 60% annual operating budget, the other 40% goes into a rolling fund that we use to buy a new piece of apparatus, every 10-12 years.
Growing district providing fire protection only, no EMS. I believe we we're toned out 175 (ish) times last calendar year. Mixed area, but mostly rural. We're adjacent to large population districts with full -time departments. Our community is basically a bedroom community for the larger cities.
28 members- Part paid on the point system ( an active member could expect a check for $800-900 )
2 engines
1 rescue (pump capibility also)
2 Tankers ( both are pumper/tankers )
2 grass rigs
1 squad
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