I know I am a sub-rookie and all, but I have a major problem with firefighters carrying all kinds of garbage on their helmet bands. I recently saw a new minted LT who had every inch of his helmet band covered with crap, including a pair of trauma sheers with plastic handles. The last time I looked at my trauma sheers, the had a handle that could only withstand autoclave temps up to 280 degrees. It seems to be a sign of expertise to carry all that s*** on your helmet. Thoughts?

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My light is built into the helmet itself so it's not a snag hazard any more than the leather front is on it (it's a Bullard Traditional). As far as having tools up there don't need them don't even have a band on it since it has the built in light. I bought it myself but I like it it's very handy. I'd say if Cairnes could do that they would be a lot better but that's just my opinion. I carry all my tools in my pockets. I used to carry wedges up there when I had a band for my light but since I don't need the band all got moved to pockets.
what a waste of time and money.

You know how these discussions get resurrected, right? People get bored with the word-association games and dig through the old threads for something to comment on and bing! it's alive again.

On my helmet I carry two wedges, a few nails, a light, a shamrock sticker, and my lucky bumblebee. When my Dad was on the job he had a little bumblebee sticker on his helmet (doesn't remember why he put it on his helmet) and considered it his good luck charm, so when I got on the job, first thing my Dad did was give me a little bumblebee sticker for my helmet.

respectfully, from your point in your career, you should noy be judging your Lt as to what he/she has on her helmet or questioning their expertise.  If anything, humble yourself and try to learn as much as you can from respectable sources.

Personally, I carry 2 wooden door chocks in a band around my helmet.  I cut the band myself from an old truck inner tube and I use the wedges alot.  I use them to chock doors, wedge under the base of the PPV fans, and to keep the gap that I have created with my haligan on a door during forcible entry.

Please be respectful and ask your LT about what is in his/her helmet band and why before assuming anything.

I carry a buch of ''crap'' troughout my gear and troughout my different passage in my carreer, all depending on the need of the trade, spéciality or event times. It constantly evolves and it's not about to change. You ask ...  (FIRSTY STEP !) then you test things see if you need it and how they work out for you.  ( needles to say this happends AFTER you have mastered your basic skills with all that you dept. gives you )

Only then you go '' outside the Box ''  ani IMPROVE !!!!!



Good luck and keep your eyes open !

Your first sentence say sub-rookie, and you are worried about something that has nothing to do with you. Shut up and learn your job.

Explain why you give a single damn about what some other firefighter has on his helmet?  You don't want a tool box on your head fantastic, don't put anything on your helmet.  I agree with Firefighter Borg...shut up and learn your job.

You freakin necroposters



The OP hasn't responded since March, 2008























Zombie posts...try as you might you just can't kill them.

My Helmet is heavy enough without a band. Ill just stick with my pockets.

My personal thought is that I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.  However I don't have a lot of crap on my helmet.  I have one door wedge and one flashlight in my band because I feel it is useful.  I actually find the flashlight more useful on night time MVAs rather than fires.  We are required to carry goggles but they sit on the back of my helmet and never get used. ( I like safety glasses better)  As for stickers,  I have a 9/11 10th anniversary sticker and a black helmet apparel sticker with the wording cut off.

I honestly couldn't care what people do and do not put in there helmets or there turn out gear.  They'll put whatever they feel they need where ever they feel that they can easily get at it.  My girlfriend and I jab each other back and forth on whats in our helmets but its all in good fun and none of it's serious.

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