Does anyone have trouble with people passing you when going on a call in an apparatus with lights & sirens?

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We was responding to a fire one time, our tanker (left lane) and engine (driving lane 20 foot back) and this guy passed us throught the medium.
But then again maybe you are covering yourself from a lawsuit. Take for instance my response area. We have a 4 lane highway with driveways and businesses having access and the speed limit is 55. If I am responding with the pumper to the fire at 65 in a 55 and using due regard and some knuckehead pulls out in front of me, I'm gonna need all my lights and siren on to keep from being sued by overpriced lawyers. And if they can prove that in the past I didn't do it when I was on an emergency call then I am still open to losing a lawsuit. Non-emergency traffic or if the IC orders me to routine traffic I will slow speed to no more than 5 over posted and cut lights and siren. My truck is governed to 68 so that's the fastest I can go. Don't really need to go any faster if you ask me and our fastest trucks are cut to 75. So yes we run lights and siren if we are first due on scene or needed for extra water in a hurry. Sorry to make this so long but I felt it was needed.
WE have this problem every time we go out on the interstate. Sometimes a good blast of the air horn gets their attention. Usually they just look at us like we're nuts. We've got to where we just laugh and wave at them when they're stopped in traffic at the wreck we were going to. They're just in a hurry to go sit in traffic for awhile. I guess "Keep back 500 feet" really means hurry up and get around.

Our average run on the interstate is from two to six miles. Our first out Engine is governed at 67 and the second out is governed at 71.
where's the police when you need them.
I'm not covering from a lawsuit or anything else, I am talking about the use of common sense when operating such a vehicle.

My truck is governed to 68 so that's the fastest I can go. Don't really need to go any faster if you ask me and our fastest trucks are cut to 75.

This is the point here as well, studies show that you are not really saving as much time when going a little faster than the speed limit running lights and sirens than doing the speed limit. It is also shown that there is an issue about "sirencide" where the driver feels as though they need to go faster.

I'm talking about the aspect that lights and sirens being used for any and all calls because one has them. I can understand if there are concerns that using lights and sirens may prevent, but the issue I'm talking about here is they are not always necessary, especially at highway speeds. You are talking about your area where it is 55, OK, I'm speaking in regards of generalities. Yes, there will be instances where you will need warning devices going on highways, but it also depends on the conditions, etc.

Seriously though, arrival time is not impacted much between responding priority on the highway, vs non-priority. That is my point, too ofetn we see the mindset that one must go priority on any call, which is not always necessary. Now if you go back and look to the part I was initially responding to the OP stated he was going a couple mph faster than posted speed limit. Most drivers out there do not follow the speed limit, so if you can't really do the speed limit as it is, then there probably isn't a reason to run lights and sirens. Yes, I understand there are other conditions and factors out there, once again I'm speaking in generalities, emergency responses are not always necessary at highway speeds.

Basically, instead of worrying about someone passing you when you have lights and sirens going, worry about getting to the scene safely. If people are passing you, or you see traffic backing up behind you, is there really a need for lights and sirens then? You may be actually causing more of a problem than a solution.
On a recent wildfire strike team deployment, I noticed the civilians driving into the ditches as we approached, even though we were driving normal posted limits without lights. A little later, I witnessed the local department racing er, responding to a call, and I realized why. The civilians were scared to be anywhere near the pavement when a fire apparatus was on the road. I was scared for my own strike team. The Daytona 500 has nothing on these guys.

So, back to your original question:

Yup. Pass us, race us, ignore us. It's an every day occurrence in my area, and we still get there. We drive defensively, sensibly, and safely. We will probably see them again... As we roll up the an incident they are involved in.
Yup. Pass us, race us, ignore us. It's an every day occurrence in my area, and we still get there. We drive defensively, sensibly, and safely. We will probably see them again... As we roll up the an incident they are involved in.

Oh so true.....
Do like the school buses are doing in our county. Put cameras on the fire apparatus and when they pass you, you have the evidence for the police. We have cameras on county apparatus that record any sudden braking in the event of a accident. It records whats in front and inside the cab of the unit.
Then you have stations that like to record their responses to use for music videos so why not record all responses.
I just let em pass. It pisses me off, but it usually isn't hindering our response in anyway. Sure, they may get a little extra air horn if they do something dangerous, but we don't want to lose our careers by putting our crew and Rig in danger trying to race. You can shoot 'em a dirty look on the way by and hope the police are there the catch up w/ them. On the freeway our policy is to actually keep lights on and shut off Siren. Reasoning that your speed will actually outrun the warning of the siren anyway. I just heard of an Engineer losing his 22yr career and an officer being demoted for losing their cool when a citizen wouldn't yield. It sucks, but we gotta stay professional and keep our cool; EVERYONE is watching! Stay safe.

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