I am not one to sit and read books but I have read a few firefighting and emt books for fun and am wanting to read more! They are just so darn addicting and hard to put down! I was just wondering if you had any favorite ones that you read that you would be willing to share them with me so i can find a few more to read...its hard to walk into a bookstore and find them...they arent all in one place and they are all scattered throughout the store.

I have read working fire by zac unger...loved it! and rescue 471...very hard to put down!

I appreciate any suggestions! 

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Any book by Dennis Smith. Im not a big reader but I enjoy reading his books.

Report from Engine Co. 82
Report from Ground Zero
Firefighters: There lives there words (havent read this one)

The first book I read from him was Engine 82/ Ladder 31??? It was about him and his Station back in the FDNY in the mid 70's. Some crazy stories in that one.
Leo D. Stapleton's books are great, very close to Dennis Smith, about a Boston firefighter gaining rank. Also there was one I read called Fighting Fire about San Francisco's first female firefighter, though I forget who wrote that one.

how have you been  safe right !the book { fire fighters from the heart}by steven chikerotis , my boss ! good man


  Last men out, life on the edge at Rescue 2 (FDNY)


  Rescue Men (Three generations of Boston firemen)

 The Donnovans (A FDNY Family)

  Ghetto Firefighter (L8, E5, FDNY. Harlem)

  To Sleep With the Angels ( 1958 The Fire at, Our Lady of the Angels school in Chicago)



"To sleep with the angels". The first chapter is a little slow but it sets the story. After that, you cant put it down.

the one(s) i'm writing for fun. they are fire service fiction on various subjects. i'm actually looking to get them published "someday". some of the stories are;

A Company Of Thieves-(still writing-nearly done)

Undetermined Origin-(mostly done)

Blood Fire-(mostly done)

The Colored House-(done but polishing)

my favorites are

Report from engine co 82 (dennis smith is a friend of mine)

Triangles of fire

Two books by a woman named Susan Chasin (not sure of the spelling or book names but they were good)

let me know if you may be interested in my stories and i am accepting ideas to get it published. and yes i know about self publishing.


"The Making of an Accidental Fireman" by Zac Unger

"The Last Men Out: Life on the Edge at Rescue 2 Firehouse" by Tom Downey

The Last Men Out: Life on the Edge at Rescue 2 -  by Tom Downey.  Just finished reading this.. its a great book.

I have 5 books on fire engines and the fire service and they are interesting to me. My newest one has a photo and article of a Hazardous Materials Fire that took place locally to me.  I found most of them at a local car show and swap meet from a guy selling them there at a discount so I save money and get great reading material.  If you want the titles, just let me know.  Thanks

Dang it Jamie, that's the one I was gonna mention.

It is an amazing book, I couldn't put it down!

Firefighters from the Heart by Steve Chikerotis has some good stories in it.

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