Not everyone is into putting stickers on their vehicles... Some might have a tendency to go a little overboard. Where do you stand on this? Do you have one or more fire department related stickers on your vehicle? Do you justify having the decals to prevent getting a ticket or do you just like stickers?

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Settle down Bevis, you are going to have a stroke. If the cop wants to let them off that is the cops choice, they have the authority to make the call. You being bugged does not change a thing.
Okay, then they must all enjoy their stickers!
Point taken Jack.
Women drivers, wait 'til Rachel hears about this. You name is Mudd mister.

Were you going for "Your name is Mudd, mister."? (Paul Rambo wanted me to ask.)
Yes, but I barely made it through high school and it was a public school!

Tyler, Just thought I'd share with you WestPhilly's PV... you need to know these things.
That splains it.
G-Man,.. You are truly an altruistic firefighter (with a nice play list on your profile).

altruism |ˈaltroōˌizəm|
the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others : some may choose to hold themselves to a higher standard out of altruism.

No, but you're close.
Probably went to community college too.

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