Not everyone is into putting stickers on their vehicles... Some might have a tendency to go a little overboard. Where do you stand on this? Do you have one or more fire department related stickers on your vehicle? Do you justify having the decals to prevent getting a ticket or do you just like stickers?

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I have three stickers on my truck one is a maltess cross,a star of life and a american flag, and I have them on there just becuse Iam proude to be a FF/EMT and if it helps me get out of a ticket all the better. lol
Many don't realize that they tell other motorists a lot about themselves by displaying stickers on their vehicles. If you have a department sticker or EMT sticker on your window and you drive less than friendly you run the risk of reflecting negative public relations on your department. In other words we're held to a higher standard.
I have the required member sticker on the windshield to identify the vehicle at an emergency scene and a 9 11 remembrance sticker on the trunk so I never forget the sacrifices on that day. Other than that I would consider myself ready for a whackers club if I displayed more.
I don't have any stickers on my vehicle, but what really "strips my gears" is the volunteers who put union stickers and local union plates on thier vehicles. I have nothing against the unions, but please if your a member its one thing, but pretending to be a union member is wrong in my eyes. Those guys have earned the right to display who they belong to and not just because your buddy has one. Display your department sticker and be very proud that your a volunteer and saving lives.
Well I personally have a snoopy First responder sticker that was a gift from my son, and a Maltese cross Fire Fighter Sticker on the back window along side the My lab is smarter than your honor student sticker, and I also have a National Guard Unit insignia on the back window. And I also have a Play Dirty sticker that a friend thought was funny and decided to put on my then filthy Jeep, which that is coming off as soon as it warms up enough to get out the power washer. Other than those mentioned above I have no intentions of any other stickers.
I dont do stickers PERIOD! Nor do I do the stupid t-shirts,hats or friggen whacker BS. You want to be a WANNABEE then you'll be treated like one. You want to be treated professionally and with respect then act like it.
Grow up and earn the respect the real way.
wow Chief... blood pressure up a bit?

Here is south Texas it's more of a "colors" thing. City has their window decal, we "fed boys" have our decal and most of us all fly IAFF. NO Fight what you fear, etc...
yep i have 2, one says "smoke eater" and the other is a police badge from the city of elyrie ohio and the badge number 177 for my gone but not forgotten friend jimmy kersetter
I have a small CU (Concord University- hey I'm proud of my kid) cling in the corner of the upper back window and in the other corner an outline maltese with WFD. That's all-- nothing big or flashy.
I have a malteses cross in the driver's side rear window and that's it. It can be seen in my profile pic.

TCSS Shawn
Only stickers I had are what came from the auto dealer that has their name on it, and my inspection sticker in the window. I took the dealer sticker off. Well, I also have a provincial registration sticker on my license plate.
They have a tail light out. Also, does the 'Blame Canada' sticker contradict the displayed Canadian Flag?

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