Not everyone is into putting stickers on their vehicles... Some might have a tendency to go a little overboard. Where do you stand on this? Do you have one or more fire department related stickers on your vehicle? Do you justify having the decals to prevent getting a ticket or do you just like stickers?

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well your a whacker and a wannabee then according to fireyladd chief sharp.

Yeah I'm screwing around but not aiming for volunteers...some paid guys think they wear capes too!
I have 2 stickers on my truck, but none of them have any affiliation with either dept. that I am on. One is a University sticker with FireFighter under it and the other is a state flag at half-staff with C-9 in honor of my fallen brothers from a dept. close by.
i know. didnt want that guy you were messing with to take it the wrong way, like i did before i found out how joking works on here.
OK, I was just probing. Thanks
Yes!(my blog got a lot of heat for pointing this out!)
Right on FW!!!!
Most of the firefighters around here are required to have an IAFF sticker on their vehicle. Most have at least one other FF sticker, or the (state-issued) Firefighter License Plate, or the Front plate that reads "Nassau County Fire-Rescue" or "Jacksonville Fire-Rescue" with the IAFF logo in the middle of the silver plate.
Some have only one or the other, but some have them all!!! Needless to say, it is pretty easy to point out the FFs(career not necessaryly the vollies) in my area.
No IAFF member is "required" to have a sticker on their car.
I bought a new car in September. I was amazed at how many of the same make, model and color I saw. You see what you look for.

If the point you're trying to make is that career firefighters (IAFF stickered cars) drive like hell, than you will ONLY ever see IAFF stickers on cars driving like hell. I could make the same point about vehicles with vollie plates/lightbars/I fight what you fear stickers, women drivers or BMW's.
Ohio volunteer maltese in front corner which is required to respond direct, and my Norhtwest ambulance rescue sticker in back (required to be on EMS scene) and my Austinburg Fire maltese in back window (required also to be on scene for any fire call).
Lighten up Francis.... everyone should be accountable for their actions, but if I get caught doing 65 in a 55 and the Trooper asks about my license plate or my uniform... yes, I'm taking the free-o. Plenty of scumbags to write up out there.

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