Heart Association web site

The american heart association has changed adult CPR. i think it might be better with compressions only as i have been with ems for years and have very rarely had to use CPR. As a matter of fact i think it is my least used skill. to take a look and tell what do you think.

CPR. A lifesaving action.
When an adult has a sudden cardiac arrest, his or her survival depends greatly on immediately getting CPR from someone nearby. Unfortunately, less than 1/3 of those people who experience a cardiac arrest at home, work or in a public location get that help. Most bystanders are worried that they might do something wrong or make things worse. That’s why the AHA has simplified things.

Two steps to save a life.
When an adult suddenly collapses, trained or untrained bystanders – that means a person near the victim – should:

1) Call 911
2) Push hard and fast in the center of the chest.

Studies of real emergencies that have occurred in homes, at work or in public locations, show that these two steps, called Hands-Only CPR, can be as effective as conventional CPR. Providing Hands-Only CPR to an adult who has collapsed from a sudden cardiac arrest can more than double that person’s chance of survival.

Don’t be afraid. Your actions can only help.
It’s not normal to see an adult suddenly collapse, but if you do, call 911 and push hard and fast in the center of the chest. Don’t be afraid. Your actions can only help.

Take a minute and look around this site. You will find more information about Hands-Only CPR on the resources and FAQs pages, including a video demonstration. You’ll also find information about the science behind this recommendation, fun videos to watch and much more. Invite your friends to this site, too! Increasing the number of people who know about Hands-Only CPR will increase the chance that someone can and will help when an adult suddenly collapses and more lives will be saved.


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The AUstralian Resuscitation Council offers the following-
FAQ 12

Many may be aware of a recent Japanese study that examined the outcomes of cardiac arrest patients who received compressions only. The authors concluded that compression only CPR was preferable than conventional CPR with survival rates being 6% versus 4% for compression only and conventional CPR respectively. For those not receiving any CPR the survival rates were significantly worse compared with those receiving any CPR.

This was an observational study which means there is some inherent weakness in the study purely associated with the study design. In addition the study was conducted in 2002 – 2003 before the compression:ventilation ratio changed from 15:2 to 30:2 which results in a significant increase in compressions. It is unknown if the results would have been different if lay people in the study had given conventional CPR using 30:2.

Although compression only CPR may be adequate in the first few minutes following the onset of cardiac arrest caused by heart disease, ventilation is required in these cardiac arrests having longer duration or if caused by drowning, drug overdose or in children.

The ARC guidelines recommends compression only CPR for out of hospital cardiac arrest where the rescuer is unable or unwilling to give mouth to mouth ventilation. It is also recommended for ambulance services when providing CPR instructions over the phone. This is because “any CPR is better than no CPR”. The guidelines also recommend that interruptions to compressions be minimised. Accordingly, those trained in full conventional CPR should continue with this technique.

More info is in the FAQ's section at
thanks for the answer to this. makes total sense
Thanks for that update, no doubt that is what the AHA wants to say, but is waiting for the lawyers to decide on what will be said. As an AHA instructor I had hoped thay would have quickly sent out a clear memo to everyone.
I must correct myself, I was out of town and looking further I found an email from AHA, on the instructor web site you will find the following info:
Q. Has American Heart Association changed its recommendation for healthcare providers?
A. No, the current AHA recommendation for healthcare providers has not changed. More research is needed to determine if the existing sequence for professional rescuers can be made more effective
We still use BVM's for CPR but absolutely no mouth to mouth, Been teaching this standard for over 2 years now.
Same here, we teach BVM with our PD also. All other classes pocket mask with oneway valve. I don't even let people put thier mouth on the mannequin.
excellent addition to the group mkes total sense
Did anyone notice this conversation was started in 2008?
Doesn't that just frustrate the bejeezuz out of ya Heather? I hate reading posts only to find that they are so old, that when they were first posted, the Dead Sea was only sick! Good eye though! Glad someone mentioned this! thanks :)
In four years as a 1st responder I have done CPR over 50 times... So I have used it a little...I still do the breaths but I also carry an ambu bag.
Jeremy the reason that they are talking about switching to hands only is once you get the blood flowing adequately which equals about 15-20 compressions and then stop to give the resps you lose the pressure that you were getting so even though the blood is oxygenated by the resps your really not giving it much time to work its way through the body.
But we can still discuss it...

It just is odd when someone cusses out someone for an comment that was made several years ago... hee hee

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