hay mj thanks for getting back with me we just got a call on wensday night around 11:30 , a one car rollover and sent 4 people to the hospital cant give out alot of detail but any way . how have you been we have alot of traings comeing up and we just had ower training to the arkvalley correctional facility we have mutual aid contract with them because they dont have anyone there to put out fire's . then we have a farmedic traing comeing up next week for extracation from a trackter sound fun we will see. then we have a wildland firefighting class too those are always fun too been throught and been red carded for about 13 yrs now and the worst part about takeing these classes is that when tell some one not to something on a wildland fire and they look at you like your stupid. well i think thats all i have for right now let me know what your up to
hay just thought that i would drop a line and see what you have been up to, not much down here infact it's been reay slow for the past 2 weeks, it kind of makes me nevous because when it that quite then something big is going to happen but anyway just thought that i would say hay
cool so you transford to another dept like i did iv enjoyed the years that i was with olney springs and i do miss papa bruce but we see each other every so often. and i do miss terry but like i said before we have a job to do and we must get back on the truck and go just for him
hay mj this is doug sorry about the loss , terry was a very close friend and when i heard of his death it was not good , so whats up with you , papa bruce is still with the fire dept and will be tell he leaves us and this world . but so what dept are you with i am now with the ordway fire dept witch is the mine dept throught out crowley county. we are the bigger dept, ive been with this dept for about almost 4 yrs. and it s been the most exciting time of my life so far. i am now an officer and have been since the first year of being with the dept
yes i know papa bruce from olney springs , i call him papa because he is like a dad i never had and he is the one that taught me everything i know about firefighting, i was on the olney spring fire dept for about 11 1/2 yrs and in that time me and him and his son terry were very good friends . dont get me wrong but we are still friend just different dept s now but we still work together to fight the red devil.
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well got to go for now
your friend doug
yes i know papa bruce from olney springs , i call him papa because he is like a dad i never had and he is the one that taught me everything i know about firefighting, i was on the olney spring fire dept for about 11 1/2 yrs and in that time me and him and his son terry were very good friends . dont get me wrong but we are still friend just different dept s now but we still work together to fight the red devil.
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