How do you know what is wrong and what is right?

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You are absolutely correct and I also have a problem with this type of personnel, it makes things difficult for the vast majority of us with one thing in mind" just getting the job done right".
I think more to the point is what does this have to do with General Firefighting & Rescue Discussion?

As in the forum in which you posted this rather than a more appropriate forum like "Fire's out, non-duty forum".

Face it this question has absolutely nothing to do with firefighting or rescue.
It's a general work-related question, and our work happens to be rescue and firefighting...and one which applies to most people in the Fire Service, since you're either in a situation like this, have bee in a situation like this, could be in a situation like this, or have seen or heard of a situation like this.

We're all one big happy family, so discussion of how to keep our Firefighting family a happy family would seemto fall into the General Firefighting and rescue category.

Given our choices of category, which category would you put this question in?

It's on-duty behavior, it's not about tactics or safety, or training, it's not about a LODD or about apparatus, she wasn't saying "hi" to the newbies, and it's not about getting hired on in a department.

General Firefighting and Rescue...that's a pretty broad category and I don't think her question was misplaced.

Oh but I beg to differ. It most certainly DOES pertain to firefighting/rescue when you take into consideration the animosities that can result and we're supposed to be able to 100% rely on one another when the shit gets deep. True, it maybe should have been originated in another forum gets more "air time" here and in my opinion, we ALL need to be more aware of the internal politics in our houses which can adversely effect the day-to-day operations.
Actually not Greenman, it is a complete general question and does not delve into anything doing with work. It asks where the line is drawn, it doesn't ask about in the workplace and so forth, there is nothing work related about this and doesn't belong in this forum.
Differ all you want David, show me where she was asking about this in the workplace? Just because one has a picture of being in bunker gear doesn't make this a job related question.

Air time?? Seriously, look at how many junior discussions there are that get plenty of air time and they are in the proper forum. Hell all one has to do is go to the top of the page, under forums, the first option is latest posts. This means you get the latest post irregardless of what forum it is in, air time has nothing to do with it.
Well.........since the question was posed ON a firefighting/rescue forum, one could presuppose the inference that it was a "workplace" type issue.

I think most of us know by now how to find the current discussions and there's no such word as "irregardless", regardless of what you may think. Lighten up a bit John, or are you trying to live up to your surname? :-)
There's no such word a "guesstimate" either but people use it all the time, "irregardless" of what the dictionary says.

Just saying...

Since I am new to FFN and not sure what the rules are I will just say whats on my mind. westphilly made the comment about leting women in the fire service, don't know if he really feels that way or if he just says things to get people fired up..... ive been known to do that a time or two. It has nothing to do with being a woman, or a man, or a person of color, or sexual orientation... judge a person on their merits. Just as I posted about juniors, we have a young man who was a junior, who I would trust with my life more than I trust some of our officers. Then there are the people that right away say you should of posted in this forum or that forum... who cares, get a life. There are some battles that are worth fighting and some things that really don't matter. As other stated, I am of the opinion that if you are questioning this, then the line is already crossed. Thats my story and Im sticking to it.
I don't see talking about sports as being pertinent to the job either, but if on such a forum are we to thus assume they are?

I'm not looking for zebras here and was just backing WP.

And yes, I am living up to my surname today, thank you very much.
We are in this business to get along with people part of our job is communication . Communication on thre street or in the firehouse we have to learn how to use it in every situation. Rule 1 our coworkers are our brothers thats it. We are out there to serve the community and come back safe. Most of us act like brothers and sisters its not flirting if it is there is something wrong with us. Yes this does belong here we have to address it once in a while just to remind us.
I agree I could have posted this very heated question in a different forum, but there is no going back.
Yes, this question was pertaining to work issues.
John, I worked just as hard as the men/women next to me to get certified for this and was 2nd in my class of 20 or so, it's not just a photo of myself all dressed up in my turnout gear. Peace and have a great day.


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