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A well done clip. Unfortunately the issues being discussed are true, firefighters, along with any public sector worker are being demonized and blamed for the economic woes. The responses here are accurate, the ones responsible for the financial mess are not the ones being targeted, (ironically those responsible sure had no problem taking money from the taxpayer...big banks, Wall St) but it is those groups attacking public workers. I like the response by the IAFF and this was a well done commentary.
Poly: A prefix meaning "many".
Ticks: Annoying, blood-sucking parasites.
Excuse me while I vomit.
Sad situation. It happens here in Canada too I am sure.
I wish the pric politicians would use some of their own hard earned and very justified pensions to go out and buy a clue!
I am a volunteer firefighter and also a county government worker which I am part of a union. I have seen the way politicians have treated both sides in our county. Politicians lookout more for theirselfs and the friends they help out by giving them a job in the government or give them money or not tax for a project in the county they want to build which will give their friends more money than what the county takes in. So they county loses money and the politicians start talking cutting salaries, furlows, change retirement and benifits to all lower salary workers while they pull in bigger bucks not just from their salary but from under the table money too.
I feel that all public safety and public workers get the shaft from those who control it all all the way up to the top.
Then what's do not say that big business controls more in this country than our govenmnet.
They don't like unions because they have to pay their workers whats do to them by law or contract.
So they have moved the jobs out this country to countries that don't have labor and protection laws and unions.
I guess if they could hire low salary workers and bring them here as public safety or government workers politicians would be all up in themselves because they would be saving more money for their future.
Awesome display of support! Thanks very much to the ED Show. Hopefully support for the fire service will surface in more prominent places. Can't wait to see the IAFF spot in prime time.
This video is right on! I am a career, non-union firefighter who has 36 yrs as a volunteer and career firefighter. My department is predominately volunteer and they still get the same shit from the taxpayers! This past primary election we had a RI Representative who made reference to municipal workers as "Pigs in the Trough" well he didn't make it past the primary! We all work hard for our retirements, granted there are not the amount of fires that we used to have, but let me see any politician take on a job that your heart goes from 60 to 150 beats per minute when the alarm sounds, I bet you wouldn't see one! The strange thing is that they kick us when we are down, ridicule us, call us names, but the public still calls us when their asses are in a jam or they don't know who else to call.
How many firefighters do we need America? They spend much of the time dong nothing????? Come on over to my house and we'll show you having nothing to do! GOD I hate politicians!!!!!!! Now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna go punch a wall and puke.

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