Anyone out there ever consider putting a little AFFF in their water extinguisher when you refill them and charge them with air? Personnally, I think it's not a bad idea... I am also suggesting using 1-cup of AFFF to the extinguisher. Any thoughts?




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ROTFL, love to see an old trick still on the job. We always put a little liquid dish soap in the can. Just like was said, it breaks the surface tension of the water making it "wetter" and it penetrates deeper into whatever's burning. We never tried the AFFF; never thought of it since the soap worked just fine. Adapt, Improvise, Overcome.
We do not currently do this, but it sounds like something worth bringing up. Another great tool for the "toolbox". As Mike said, "Doing more with less".
We use Class A foam in our water extinguishers they work great.
We add 12 ounces of F500 in each of our water cans. We can put out a lot of fire with it and I take it in on every fire response (I am a truck Company Capt). Works much better than straight water and sometimes we can even get the fire out before the Engine makes entry!!
Capt all of our water can(non)s have a wetting agent mixed with them, I believe it is a 1% mixture but don't quote me on that. Helps knock down the fire quicker and more thorough.
Two cans on the truck, one with liquid soap, the other with AFFF.
We also use class A foam water extinguishers. Makes a big differance on small fires.

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