What are your opinions on firefighters wearing pink helmets to show their support for breast cancer?


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Agreed, that's why I took my ideas a little to the extreme.

I do think that it's OK for a department to show support for a cause by wearing pink, or any other color it wants to support what it decides is a cause it wants to support. It is a department decision to allow it or not. I don't think any individual Firefighter should take upon themselves to show up with a pink helmet on a call without prior permission.

As far as compromising our traditions goes...change happens. Some departments wear Yellow Helmets out of tradition and others wear Black helmets out of tradition. Maybe some departments will wear Pink helmets every October out of tradition, and their regular helmets the rest of the year.

Every department has its own set of traditions. For those that want to wear Pink helmets, more power to them and those that don't, well that's just fine too.

Blessed Be.

There's a Duval Street in Key West?
Why SHOULD a department be out there supporting one cause over any other? Is that why we're there? Funny, I thought it had something to do with life safety, property preservation, blah blah blah. Now we're going to be signposts for whatever cause de jour? Yeah...no.
I wouldn't have any sticker showing support for anything on my lid.

I think these types of things are best left up to the department. If the "powers that be" decide to publicly display the department's support by allowing this type of thing, then that is their prerogative and how they decide which cause to support is up to them.

Obviously not every cause is going to get equal support form every department or group of people, but there's nothing wrong with supporting one or two causes the people in the department find especially important.

I agree that the best use of these Pink helmets is as a raffle prize to serve a as fund raiser in people Off-Duty time. For example, if a group of Firefighters in the Department took a Reserve Engine to the local supermarket and sold raffle tickets for the helmet on their off day and proceeds were donated to the Cancer foundation, I don't see any issue with that. If another group wants to do the same thing at another time to support another cancer research foundation, then I don't see a problem with that either.

No that's not why we're there, but if it's done on people's off-days, or in the case of an department electing to wear these helmets for a short time to show their support, then what does it hurt?

I don't think any Fire Department SHOULD show support for any of these causes, but if a department CHOOSES to, then what is the problem?

Hmmmm....must have been a good time then, Jack. :-)
To answer your question. Brown leather helmets are made, so if you choose you can have a brown helmet.
I think its a great idea. A lot of the pro sports teams are showing thier support on the field.

That's a good point that I hadn't really thought of. Once the FD starts "officially" taking on causes, you are opening Pandora's box of problems. Someone's going to get their feelings hurt at some point.
OMG Bloomingdale needs this! I love it if you ever want to get ride of ne of this let me of HOOTER know!
What's wrong with pink helmets? There is not a d*** thing wrong with them! Get over it! If US (women) of the fire service wants to wear a pink helmets and the Chief says we can, then we will! As a matter of fact I have 2 pink helmets on order! If it's a destraction for you on a scene then your mind is not on your job. Do you go around looking at everyones helmets instead of your mission? Every guy on our department said they would wear a pink helmet if the Chief would order us all new helmets! Our guys also agreed to wear pink t-shirts with our dept logo and "We Support Breast Cancer" on the front along with purple t-shirts with our dept logo with "We Support Firefighter Cancer". Grow up and be real men! Us (women) are here to stay so get over it!!!!
That's cold!

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