What are your opinions on firefighters wearing pink helmets to show their support for breast cancer?


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Not in every department. There's a couple of threads on here that illustrate the fact that there as many different color schemes as there are departments, and some of them do not have specific color coding because they beg, borrow and bring their own helmets, so FFs may have red, yellow and black helmets and all be line FFs, with only the Chief Officers wearing a designated color (white).

In average departments though, if all FFs wear black helmets, and Chiefs wear white helmets, I don't see why a temporary exception to policy wouldn't be OK, if the department approved it.

Personally, I think it's just a waste of Two-hundred bucks. Would make a nice presentation gift for someone though.

I think a Pink Helmet would make a good Raffle prize to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research, which the members of the department can then donate directly to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure ( http://ww5.komen.org/Donate/Donate.html ).

A $200 helmet could easily raise $1,000 or more....

Thats actually a good idea. I will bring that up to the Junior Capt. to see if we can raise money to help fight breast cancer. Even though i am a boy, I would proudly wear it to every single call. I really dont care if somebody doesn't like it because its pink. I dont like the color pink. But i will wear it since my grandmother had breast cancer.
Very Cool, Seth.

Has nothing to do with the color...rather...why breast cancer? What about cancer of the testicles? Prostate cancer? Pancreatic cancer? Brain cancer?
Oh yea...it's politically correct to be in favor of breast cancer research.
How about a breast cancer sticker on your helmet to show your support. I think you should stick to standard helmet colors. just my opinion
There are many worthy causes out there. Breast cancer has been the most successfully marketed cancer research cause to date.

We could wear red helmets to support heart disease research, but that wouldn't stand out very much...


Don't open the can of worms over the question of decals on helmets!

Hey, welcome back Jack. How was your vacation? Spend too much time on Duval st?
I guess my question then would be, what do you not show support for? Will you have a sticker for supporting the troops, heart health, MDA, 9-11, and so forth?

I don't see a problem with donating a helmet for a raffle or to have t-shirts for an event, but is every charity and every cause supported equally? I would say the deeds that one does speaks louder than the symbol they have on their helmet or the color of the thing.
So what would stop a Fire Department form adopting Pink as standard helmet color for the Department?

It is just a color, after all.

White = Chief Officers
Black = Firefighters
Red = Captains
Pink = Lieutenants ("La Petite Captain")

What if a Department designated Pink Helmets for EMS personnel?

How about Pink for the Junior FFs (just so nobody confuses them with actual FFs)?

Of course, Pink could be the color assigned to Inmate FFs (Especially in Maricopa County, AZ!!)

Maybe in 20 years Pink fire helmets will be as normal a yellow helmets are today...


Would there be such controversy if a department decided to wear Green Helmets in support of the Organ Donation Awareness campaign? Of course colors can have many different meanings, and we wouldn't want anyone thinking we were raising Tourette Syndrome Awareness by wearing green! People might think the department sold a lot of Mary Kay products if you wear pink helmets!

In any event, the decision to allow any color helmet to be put into service must be a department decision, and the color really doesn't matter. If you're a rural VFD using old, hand-me-down helmets, and a wealthy resident of your coverage area wanted to donate brand new helmets to replace the old helmets your department has, with the stipulation that they be Pink Helmets for Breast Cancer Awareness, would your department accept the donation and wear Pink Helmets instead of the Yellow or black helmets you wear now? It would certainly make it easier to pick out your members on a mutual aid call!

Just some morning coffee time musings on my part.

We all support breast cancer awareness. Thats a given. My wife is a survivor. The question here is whether or not we want to compromise traditions in order to display that support. Like Vic suggested, Will colon cancer awareness have us switching to brown? Whats next? "Support Our _______Whatever" ribbons are out there for every cause. The honorable noble cause The Fire & EMS Service needs to show the public we care about is the Fire & EMS Service. Viaje Con Dios, Pete

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