This is a post of prayers that you may whisper or say in your head as you are enroute to a call.

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If I am called from my sleep to save a life, please grant my crew and myself safety so that we may come home to our families. In the event that my number is called, please bless the crew that I served with the protection that they deserve.
Dear God,

Don't let me F**k up.
I don't get to respond to calls yet but this is the prayer I say every time I see a Fire or rescue apparatus, whether in the station, responding to a call, or returning to the station.

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Pray for Them, Protect Them, Jesus, Mary, Joseph.
I have a mixed CD to keep me pumped and not freaking out. "Merciful Father of all men, save me from all bodily harm, if it be Thy will, but above all, help me to be loyal and true, respectful and honorable, obedient and valiant. Amen" is a except for St florians prayer for when i am nervous. The Lords prayer also helps, but that is my nightly prayer. "Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen." for death. Samuel Barbers Adagio for strings is for sadden times for me

When I fought fires I used to say "Dear Lord, please don't make us lay the whole bed"
When I was an officer I used to say "Dear Lord, please don't let me burn anyone up"
When I drove I would say "Dear Lord, please don't let me hit anything"
Well said! The famous "Allan Shephard Prayer"

I think I say that one about 5 times a day.
"Dear Lord, don't let me hit anything outside of the fire truck!"
Dear lord

Make this mother #$%Ker slow down so he does not flip us lol...

No but really I just pray that I make it safe there and back and that this person will make it and if they dont to know in my heart I did all I could. A house fire I just ask him not to let me burn up or run outta air.
I always pray that I will know the right thing to do and I always add Please Lord don't let me do anything stupid.

Ralph, When the outcome isn't good like you I pray for the family and for a peaceful passing for the departed.
Let us all come home safely.

Before we leave the station for any call we always say "two out two in", it may be superstitious but it has become a habit for us.
"Howard help us..." or something to that effect.

(This is from a mangling of the first line of the Lords Prayer: "Our father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name...", the origin has been attributed to several individuals, not really sure who mangled it first!)


Since you put this in general discussion I will say this. One, prayer does not do anything, no one is listening. Two, if you are praying you need a better training program. Three, It is YOU and your crew that will make things better not the thing you are praying to. Four, if prayers work why not just pray from the station and let your god handle it? Good luck with the prayers.


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