Since the the question of “What’s on Your Stick” was so popular, I decided to follow it up with another on. What’s in your cab?

I have seen and talked to many who do things a differently in regards to tools and implements of destruction in the cab of the truck.  As we all know all tools and items are supposed to be secured if it is to ride with us in the cab. (There is my disclaimer, so please don’t point out the obvious.)  However, we know this is not always practical and so that is not what this post is about.

Rather, I want to know what tools or items you just can’t live without having close to you whether you are in the “seat” or riding backwards.

So, what is your weapon of choice and why?

What would you like to have that you don’t?

Do you get to pick what you take or do you have specifically assigned tools?

Let us know how you work and any great tips for keeping tools in the cab.

Stay safe and train hard.

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Engine and Ladder are set up exactly the same: 2 mobile radios, VHF and UHF with a "RIT" radio box which patches the two frequencies, 1 portable radio(2 additional portables and another VHF mobile are kept in the engineer's/pump panel compartment), 4 box lights, Panasonic ToughBook laptops(including Firehouse software, GPS mapping system[also includes hydrant locations], pre-plans, wireless internet, connection to county dispatch so that the call displays right on the screen, and other important information, such as contacts and keyholders for businesses), Scott PackTrackers for RIT, digital and 35mm cameras, a cell phone, DOT ERGs, keys for some businesses and all high occupancy residences, EMS jump bag, O2, AED, blankets and towels, and a 3 ring binder containing important contacts. All of the fun tools are kept in compartments.
We don’t carry a lot of tools in the cab for safety reasons even thou you are required to have all equipment secured in the cab There is always the chance that something is not secured properly of gets knocked lose in the event of an MVC or sudden stop or change in direction.
We do have portable radios flashlights and out TIC is located in the cab
We are required by the MTO to carry a first aid kit, fire extinguisher and road triangle markers which i find odd since we carry all this equipment in the back of the trucks but MTO requires it in the cab to meet their regulations??
We do have entry kits set up which include a hooligan bar and axe that are located conveniently in cabinets that the freighters can grab as soon as they get out of the trucks
I forgot ERG and traffic vest in drivers side door pocket.
Our Engines have a combination of items in the cab, but no tools. Portable radios, handlights, TIC, Gas Meters, town map, Laptop w/ EGR and building Preplans, as well as water bottles secured under the seats. I'll try to snap some pictures tonight during our drill.
The only tools we have in the cab is the laterns, binoculars, and map book.
I am a Truck Officer, so here we go. The members in the rear jump seats are separated by the dog house(engine compartment).

MABAS books,map books, ERG, EMS gloves
Gas Meters
Incident Command Vests
Box light w/ charger
portable radio w/ charger
2 main radios (UHF/VHF)
halligan on the floor(not secured)

Officer's side rear jump seat:
portable radio w/ charger
box light w/charger
right angle flashlight w/ charger
pickhead axe
H2O extinguisher
high rise hose pack and high rise kit(between both rear jump seats)
wheel chocks on floor(not secured)

Box light w/charger
portable radio w/ charger

Driver's side rear jump seat:
portable radio w/ charger
box light w/ charger
pick head axe
high rise hose pack and high rise kit(between both rear jump seats)
wheel chocks on the floor(not secured)
Where I am from we just throw it all in the cab with us and pray the driver does not make a fast stop.
Gotta love the "old school" way!! Always wanted to ride the tailboard while holding an axe(pickhead).

Talk about a bad-ass fire-slayer!!!

the only tools we have in the cab is what we have in our pockets other than that it's a radio, GPS, burns kit, couple rationpacks (for those longer jobs), camera, map books, note books and pens, torch, drinking water, matches, and a few other odds and ends that we may need
our Engine-
a few pry bars and shears
teddy-bears for children
First aid supplies
Chiefs turnout gear
Thermal viewer

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