I was wondering what your thoughts were about college degrees and getting hired onto a fire deptarment. I currently have an AAS in fire science Tech as well as my EMT basic card. I am currently working on my FF1/FF2, while I am attending school full time for Kinesiology. I kinda have a lot on my plate now and I was thinking about leaving college for a while. Do you think this would affect my chances of being hired on to a department? I dont see my degree helping me get hired anyway. Thanks for your help.

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It depends on where you are. Here in Chicagoland you can find F.D's that will hire you with no certifications whatsoever and then train you themselves, all the way up to F.D's that require a degree or at least 60 semester hours of College. That degree just might give you an edge over other applicants when you apply to different Fire Departments. Good luck and stay safe!
Alot of departments now are requiring some form of college education. Like Brian said they may just require college credits. For instance FDNY every time they test either require a minimum amount (I believe last time was 30) or they dont it changes a few times here and there. But it all depends on what you are looking for and where you are from. Here in MA alot of places are civil service so a degree doesnt really help till you get to the promotional stage but for towns that arent civil service it may just give you the upper hand if you also have the other certifications.

It is all department preferace. What you should do is research the depts you are looking at getting on and find out. That would be your best bet.
A degree is a good idea regardless of what you do. You're worried about taking a test to enter a department? Guess what you'll get good at in University! Uni will give you additional skills and help you make some bucks while you are trying to find a gig with a fire department.

Also is you drop out, it is REALLY hard to go back. gut it out! You'll graduate soon enough!
Many colleges want to see that you have the capability to do college level work...so they look for 60 semester hours worth of credits...while aspiring to become a career Firefighter is to be commended..please remember that many many others have the same goal...my advice...finish school and then work toward your goal...you will always have that degree to fall back on....A higher education is worth the effort...heck, look around here..from their posts I doubt that many have any education. LOL
It won't help you get hired for most departments, especially larger ones. However it will help as far as promotions go at many.

Another good reason to have a college degree though is that fact that you may never become a full-time fireman. I'm not doubting that you can, but the reality is there aren't many spots out there. Many don't make it. This way you will have a degree that will help with another job if you don't make it or if it takes you years to get on since it doesn't happen overnight.
Thanks for all the help guys. You have been a great resource.

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