In the vollie service we know what happenes when the leaves start to turn colors. Members you haven't seen all year start coming around. Officers start showing up for fires and scheduling training classes. The President orders pizza more often...just to say thanks. The old timers show up to meetings. Why, ELECTION TIME. Yes election time, Response time goes from 7 mins to 4 mins. The fire house is cleaner, The officers are nicer. People get pulled to the side more often and cabals are formed to overthrow the current administartion. I love this time of year....NOT.


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lmao... you a bad ....bad man.
wish it were like that everywhere in the volly world. There are a lot of good men/women being left behind due to popularity votes.
that's why I will never be an Officer.....LOL...a man has to have some pride...besdies as they say.."white helmets kill brain cells.."
don't knock it till you have tried it. LOL
Yeah and you probbly don't have many to spare
Amen to that brother!
I like that!Sad thing is this is probably a real form somewhere.God(or whoever is your higher power) help us all.
And hence another reason as to why elections for position is a stupid approach to operations. I'm glad any dept I was ever affiliated with didn't do elections.
Send a copy to me!I have an 8 year old and I'm already worried about it!Shouldn't be much trouble though when dad is sitting out on the porch with a shotgun though.At least thats my plan right now.
Jeremy how about you pound rock salt in your ass.......Been at this for more than a day or two....No complaints and I do my job......
2 years in and you have the "insight" for this....let me ask something...are you even off probie status yet...? Come back when you have 20 in....we can talk like adults then.....LOL
I have to say just because the person is experianced and highly trained doesnt mean that they are the right person for the job they might have book smart but common sence might be lacking as well as managerial skills. Sometimes no matter what your in a no win situation when it comes to officers.

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