In the vollie service we know what happenes when the leaves start to turn colors. Members you haven't seen all year start coming around. Officers start showing up for fires and scheduling training classes. The President orders pizza more often...just to say thanks. The old timers show up to meetings. Why, ELECTION TIME. Yes election time, Response time goes from 7 mins to 4 mins. The fire house is cleaner, The officers are nicer. People get pulled to the side more often and cabals are formed to overthrow the current administartion. I love this time of year....NOT.


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Oh...OK...Here we are gearing up for Chimney fire season.....
I was ready to go to the store and get my hotshots to put in my boots for the big ones out in the cold........

And there you go again Paul for your aggresive use of the period again...........
i lived in elma wa. for a while and i couldnt belive how may chimney fires there was.
actually, I think Paul's use of the period was very sutble today ;-) ...................... while you have quadrupled your period numbers........................ hmmm... finding yourself jealous of Paul............... he seems to get that a lot around here................... he has a fan club......................... and a not such a fan club............................
well as long as no-one skips the said period I guess it really doesn't matter a whole hell of a lot does it ?
skipped periods are scary, Paul. Makes for ...heheh... a longer sentence. lol. (bad joke, I appologise)
lol..good stuff Ralph
Derek...Do you know why men die sooner than women...? THEY WANT TO...!!!!
Remeber the Marriage vows..."Till death do you part" ? That should never be a GOAL.. LOL
A lot of volunteer departments I know the guys will show up election night so they dont get railroaded into an officer position.
Know what you mean.The SILLY SEASON IS HERE!!!Vollytics suck.I hate watching people kissing somebodies backside just for votes.A lot of the time it's so transparent it's not even close to being funny.
I'm with you.Bring on January so the real business will start again.I swear to God,you've been talking to some of our members after I read your list of stuff.
In my department the officers are appointed by the chief on bassis of qualifications and ability. not by the members who want a popularity vote.

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