We have all been to numerous car accidents and most of them while unique in their own rights are still pretty standard as far as tactics go.  Scene saftey, stabilize vehicle, access patient(s), extrication or remove.


I came across this picture and have been thinking about how we would approach this situation.  Not something you see everyday . . . heck I'm not even sure how they got in this predicament.


But lets use our imagination, training, experience and knowledge and see how we would approach this scene and deal with the complications it presents.


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Obviously nothing can be done until the local utility secures power. After that, I'm sure the Heavy Rescue lads could figure out a way to stabilize the vehicle and gradually lower it to the ground. I guess I'd stretch a charged line for good measure. Cops for traffic and crowd control. Medics to treat the unfortunate vehicle operator.

(This operation could take some time. Hopefully we don't miss a job in the process).
I would call the local utilities and use a tower truck for size-up and possible stabilization. Then use ladders for rescue and have medflight on standby. I would have an engine crew with a line pulled or the rescue truck with a booster line pulled charged with foam during the entire operation. After the victims are extricated from the car and transported by EMS I would remove the tower from the stabilization duty and clear it from the scene until the wrecker arrived. Once the tower was removed from stabilization I would block off the area. I would keep the engine or rescue crew on scene until the car was removed from the scene by the wrecker service. The reason I would use a tower for stabilization instead of a crane is 1) cranes are hard to come by and 2) have very long response times. No telling what kind of trauma this patient may have recieved and would require treatment and transport ASAP.
Jeff, you can see what look like insulators (fuzzy and on the other side of the pole) between the lines and the pole. They are probably of lower voltage than the ones at the top of the pole, but you would be in for a huge surprise if you think those are telephone or CATV wires!

As a rule of thumb, lower voltage wires are lower on the pole, but you cannot know for sure that the lowest wire is not carrying electricity. Locally (Australia) a lot of poles have a single, small wire running under everything else. This is a 240v line used to power streetlights, but it looks like a CATV wire.

Usually, telephone is a massive bundle (2-4" in diameter) with 50 pairs of individually insulated phone wire. If you cut this line, it is possible for enough phones to be in use to give you quite a zap!
Any speculation on how the car got up there in the first place?
I can't even imagine what would cause the car to get caught up like that. But it definately would be one of those calls that you talk about at the fire station for many many years to come.
If one looks about midway up the pole on the left hand side, there is a cable dangling. This was a guy cable similar to the one on the far right of the photo. The car rode the guy cable up and hung the wheel in the lines.
Let's see. . .Chief, D/C, 1st Engine due, Rescue, Techinal Rescue Team. Possible 2nd Engine ( more than likely ). Utilities after scene size up and command establishments. Once utilities are secured and grid is locked down, stabilize vehicle using Rescue42's, Paratech Struts, cribbing, airbags, etc. These are just some ideas for stabilizing. Portable ladders to gain entry? This would definately be a challenge.

The comment about the truckies coming in to cut the pole down. I'm not giving them the satisfaction, my engine crew will get it with OUR SAW !!!! Tee Heee Heee !!!!
The uniqueness of this situation combined with the fact it will be a while before the grid gets dropped and work can begin may lead to a media circus and crowd control issues. The I C will need to get police involvement and designate a public information officer as well as the rescue resources.
We've discussed this at length. A fairly easy job for a COMPETENT tow operator. You CAN do this with a 1 ton 4x4 hydraulic wrecker, a MD might be a better choice because of greater reach.You will want the utility company there for technical advice and to repair any damage to the Comm line. Once rigged, about a 10-15 minute job. Odd but EASY!
I would have to see the "Big Picture" regarding power lines or not. Looks like insulators but hard to tell. On a standard pole it is Top high voltage, next three house service, then telephone, cable TV, but here I would wait for the utilities to arrive and shut it down. Always remember "Scene Safety" I think I will have my crew look at this a work through it. Nice picture station10capt106
goodeye mate! Those are phone lines/cable TV lines!

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