We have all been to numerous car accidents and most of them while unique in their own rights are still pretty standard as far as tactics go.  Scene saftey, stabilize vehicle, access patient(s), extrication or remove.


I came across this picture and have been thinking about how we would approach this situation.  Not something you see everyday . . . heck I'm not even sure how they got in this predicament.


But lets use our imagination, training, experience and knowledge and see how we would approach this scene and deal with the complications it presents.


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Dunno about that...they look like three phases of electricity. I know all of us are zooming in to see what the connection to the pole looks like...I see insulators keeping the lines away from the pole, but I'll admit that electric wires are usually (not always!) attached to a T, not directly to the pole.

A better question for all still following this is - Now that the lines are de-energised, how the hell do you stabilise and extricate? Is there enough cribbing in your entire district to stabilise this car? I'm not a squaddie, so I have no idea. Assume you have a spinal injury wedged into the car...how on earth do you cut them out of that?
Damn.....was my wife driving....? 1st Call utilities to insure power is off (Sorry don't care about phone and TV) 2nd...Get at least 2 heavy cranes (12 ton) to stabilize the vehicle...of course shut the roadway down completely...A ladder truck(platform) could assist greatly in extrication....proceed as though it were a "normal" MVA.....Engine standing by with 2 charged hand lines (firefighters in full PPE with airpacks) and a Dry chemical extinguisher(or 2 ) available.....Might seem like overkill...but I don't believe there is such a thing....if you have access to the assets then utilize them.....Stay safe....Keep the Faith.........Paul.....Interesting Capt. Keep them coming....
The "insulators" are actually the cable attachment points bolted to the pole. They are in fact 2 telephone lines and one TV cable. The electric lines are above these. If that helps.
Obviously kill all utilities first. It appears not to be Electrical wires it's hung up on. The MV is not suspended it balancing so all the MV weight isn't on the wires. There is another pole just outside the pic to the right. You can tell by the support line near the hydrant. 1 ladder truck to each pole. Activate the rope rescue team to run ropes between poles securing to MV in place. Hopefully a crane would be in route if available. If not once the MV is secure, lower the Mv on a block and tackle type system to the ground.
Has to how it happened.......... Have you seen the movie transformers......just a thought. Other than a forty foot robot putting it there your guess is as good as mine.

Ok folks, here's another view of the same accident. You can see clearly the power vs tv wires thing now...

It seems that popular way to park on wires is via the ground/stabilizer cable. But in the 4th pic, the Jeep didn't want to park up there so it ejected the driver in the process.

1st) call the local power company to discharge the power
2nd) secure vehicle with a heavy cable from a boomed tow truck, preferable a big rig wrecker
3rd) secure guide lines to assist wrecker
4th) clear scene to prevent injuries except with necessary personel
and remove vehicle from lines lower vehicle to stable position and remove victim in the safest way possible. have hose team standing by just in case.
I see everyone calling for a wrecker what about using a tower or something like that. Much quicker response time than a crane or wrecker. I mean I'm obviously not a "truckie" but I'd just like to know.
works for me! I was wrong earlier, these don't look like power wires.
In my area, the wreckers are normally on scene before we are.
those are phone and cable tv lines, get yourself a class 8 wrecker with a hydralic boom and lift it off the lines and set it on the ground

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