What's your preference, truck or engine?

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Mmmm lets see, Johnny and Roy were in an engine co, backdraft guys were engine guys but flipped a rearmount (too bad cause i like macks), jack started out on an engine and ended up on Ladder 49 so i gotta say...i like being on the heavy rescue...just kidding, "DA TRUCK"....but i liked being in RES30CUE because i still got to do truckie stuff and didnt have to pack hose
Um ok? As you can see, not one person agreed with you and your immature response. So do we all suck? Philly, Baltimore, DC and Indy? Sorry we don't live up to your standards sir. If only our departments could be as good as your little suburb. Thousands of us fireman strive to one day be like you Dean.
Dear capcityff, you obviously missed the whole point of the article, and just intend to whine so forgive me if I just block you for this crap.

the point I made was, ALL kinds of people can work on the FD. It takes ALL people of all sizes, height weights, PERIOD. There is no such thing as a "canned program" when it comes to who is best or not on a hose line. Til you see me on a two and a half at the tip with a guy 200# + on my backup, I don't expect you to understand, it takes some clear thinking outside the ego box to "get". Not many can.

As for the District of Columbia F.D., I'll leave my "reply" to the people who made the report on the reputation of the DCFD. The New York Times, Firehouse.com, The National Fire Academy, and the Chicago Sun times AND the Chicago Tribune. Circa 2003, 2006, and 2008. If things have changed since then, I salute them.
For the record, Sacramento FD is also the "hit list" for having group sex in the firehouse, where a girl FF and 26 other firefighters got fired for their behavior. be part of the SOLUTION, not the problem is the message there. The public expects and demands us to hold to a higher standard, so if you're doing YOUR part for that, and the betterment of the DCFD and the Fire Service, then awesome.
I believe, the people who wrote those articles, matter more than lil ole me. That , is where I gained my opinion. I'd suggest you do a little more research if you intend to debate further.
Chicago has had its own problems to be sure, but it's been swiftly handled.
As for the part you've also missed, is I ran with the City of Chicago for 3 years + on Aerial 1, Engine 65 and 69 so I don't care for your immature attitude when it comes to "what my status was" on the FD.
I was a Lieutenant, I have a FFIII , FOI, and FAE AND my FI under my belt so I don't need the sniveling so please stop. Thank you.

Of course, if those care to respond to me directly and not here, then I'd welcome you to do so, in the interest of clarification.

I'm sorry capcityff, I thought soap operas were on TV, I wasn't aware they were onliine also, I am sorry for your lack of forethought for your comments. I am sorry I offended you, and apologize if I hurt your feelings, twas not my intent.

Thousands of Firemen ARE better than I dear sir, as evidenced by FDNY, LAFD, CFD, NFD (Nashville , TN) RCFD (Riverside county CA) RFD (Redlands CA ) and a host of others too numerous to mention.
I never said or intended to say ALL DCFD Firefighters are "bad" what I was stating, perhaps not clearly, that according the fire service as a whole, the opinion of the DFCD has been less than exemplary if you've read the articles as mentioned. It does not hold my current or past opinion. There are, of course, two sides to every story, and now you've at least heard mine.

Before you be so fast to accuse, may I suggest you walk a mile in the other person's fireboots, it's amazing what you can learn.

I would agree to that Shareef, but, I was a Search and Rescue firefighter so that's always been my forte'... good post!
I'll reply to all of that later, but you twisted my words a lot. As for those articles about the DCFD, I'd like you to find me one that is about firefighting. Yes, we have A LOT of problems as far as EMS goes. However, we don't have any problems with firefighting. I know a few FDNY guys that said they admire our engine ops and do a lot of training to try our stuff out since our specialty is rowhome firefighting. Not saying we are the "best" at everything. Just that we are pretty damn good interior firefighters. Our truck work isn't as good as say FDNY, but its still not bad. Never heard anyone call us a bad fire department. A bad EMS department? Sure.
It seems like the Big City way is the only way to you however.....I guess Suburban fireman do not live up to your standards.

I know tons of DC firefighters and am related (by marriage) to one. Some are good some are bad but when I was thinking about leaving my current department for more of an Urban setting they all said (the guys I know) DO NOT DO IT!!! They speak of corruption, racism, reverse racism, work place violence, abuse of the workers etc. The only thing good about it is the fires and the call load. Add to that reputation of shady things going on in the fire stations and What Dean Speaks of is true the reputation of the DCFD is not that great.

Now me personally I have nothing but respect for the DCFD and truly enjoy the time I have spent visiting the fire houses, and conversing with the fireman. Every time I have visited and said hey I am a fireman from Va they are always more than welcoming and kind.

As for the truckie size debate. I would say its more based on training, and intelligence than anything else. I have seen some large truckies who couldnt do the job, and some small ones who couldnt do the job.

So please for the sake of argument your both right and your both wrong and lets end it here.
I like that! LOL!

Truck work is where men or woman are made... You get to tear stuff up with out getting in trouble like you did when you was young

Hmmm... Bradley... I am really excited to finally find out WHERE WOMEN ARE MADE... all of these years I have wondered and wondered

... I had come to believe that most women were created in the backseat of random cars around town... or in the back of flatbed pickups... on the traditional prom night or football game day...

... it also good to know that this TRUCK WORK SHOP is commonly a place where YOU get to tear stuff up... like when you were young... DURING YOUR MAKING OF WOMEN ??? I however do want to caution you during these Weird Science experiments... just don't forget to attach the Barbie Doll !!!

And I hear that Paul Montpetit would really like a woman that does not bitch - so maybe during your creation you could find the special potion to add to the recipe which will help Paul have the perfect mix of woman to reduce his homicidal tendencies toward them...

AND as far as doing said creations WITHOUT GETTING IN TROUBLE - I assure you, that you are in heaps of trouble... you just don't know it yet !!!

did you raid my yearbook for that picture?
yes big boy ;-) and that is not all that I took...
I would never say the best place in a ripping fire is above the fire ever... regardless of executing a primary search or not. If it has to be done, then it has to be done, but it's never the best place.

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