What is the Oldest Fire Apparatus You Have In Service In Your Department?

In the department I belong, we have a 29 year old American LaFrance Ladder Truck. You would never know that by looking at it, and it is still in great machanical shape as well.

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I have to agree with you on that Dave.
I sure would like to see some more pictures of that 1954 American LaFrance

I finally got around to getting some pictures taken- here's our "91 International with a '77 4-Guys 1800 gallon tanker body.
We still have a 1974 Mack Pumper. It is at our rural station and is in great shape. We will be passing it on to another Department in a few months when we acquire our new Pumper/Tender.
Here you are Mick as promised

1873 Ahrens Fox Steamer

1931 Segrave Quad

1924 Ahrens Fox N-S-4

Our second out engine is a 1980 Pierce. The old girl is closing in on 30. We also still have and maintain the towns first gas powered fire engine, a 1929 International Pumper.
1967 ford pumper

1971 kiaser 6x6 with a 1951 t-tank and a 05 model wisconsin on the pump no idea how old the pump is
Not In Service, But ours.
1938 Ford Engine
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I think the Oldest we have in service is out Tanker.
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I dont know its year how ever..
thats pre 80s im thinking 76 the wheels they have had solid rims since the 80s i believe
we have a 69 year old army rig (duce and a half) as a brush truck still runing good and beting the heck out of bruh fires dont have the date it was made somewhare back in the 1940's ? what a truk hun wish all fire truck would last that long
This is are oldest fire apparatus, 1946 Dodge powerwagone 6x6. Started life as a WWII Ambulance and was made into this grass rig back in 1960's. it has a flat head inline 6 in it and hold a 300 gallon tank. there is a spray bar on the front bumper that alows us to drive the truck right over the fire and put it out....... This is goes through anything.....

My Chief and I might qualify as the oldest. We were/are all terrain and multi-purpose. We're a little slower now, but still in service.

Oh wait a minute. You are asking about motorized apparatus. So that leaves this 1985 F800 2000 gal tanker. Although, it will probably be sent to whoever we can con, I mean talk into taking it in the near future.

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