What is the Oldest Fire Apparatus You Have In Service In Your Department?

In the department I belong, we have a 29 year old American LaFrance Ladder Truck. You would never know that by looking at it, and it is still in great machanical shape as well.

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This is our oldest piece here. 1975 Seagrave 100 ft. Ladder Rear mount. Barely gets used. Stills runs like a charm tho

Our Department has a 1970 FMC John Bean High Pressure Fog pumper which we still use for suppression of Brush Fires because you can PUMP AND ROLL with the apparatus to chase the fire through fields and like terrain. 1 firefighter on each side in the back using the pistol grip type booster line. This pump puts out 940 psi. through a 3/4 inch line.
God love them old Power Wagons! I've never seen any Chrysler inline 6- 251 flathead or slant 6 that could be stopped.
You're probably thinking of the Kaiser jeeps
A 1993 Mack

Before that it was a 1964 Ford we sold couple of years ago

Probably our 1960 model Pump Operator/Engineer.....oh wait, that's ME!

I guess I AM the oldest apparatus we have!

Oh. What to tell about Russia. At us of 80 percent of technics-second-hand articles.
It is very sad.
We have a tanker that is the oldest in our county. I'm not exactly sure what year is was made, but it was in the 50's. We also have a 1963 Army Jeep that we made into a brush truck.
She's a beaut!
Hi Padre Pete, We also have a 1914 Hallock Chemical truck here in West Farmington Oh. Tom Doyle (owner of The Lil wiz fire museum in Medina Oh) tracked us down last summer. He told us about your truck. Ours too, is the first in the county. West Farmington is 10 miles NE of Warren which is where WD Packard is from, He is one the founders of the Packard autmobile. Tom Doyle said in his 4 years of searching for Medina's Hallock truck he found out that there was 22 built. He knows of only 4 left. Yours, the one he bought in Fl, one in Cali. and ours. Ours has not been refurbed and only work that has been done to it was to keep it in good running order. Her only duty now is to carry the Grand Marshall for our town parade every July.

1977 FMC 1000 Gal. Pumper-Gasoline Engine
1968 ford f250 grass truck. We actually just ordered a new grass rig though so it won't be in service much longer.

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