We're all scared of something. Myself? Like Indian Jones, I'm petrified of snakes! I had one start chewing on my arm when I was about 13 and after that, never been the same. A call with snakes is the one thing that would DEFINITELY freeze me in my tracks. How about you? What call would/has stop(ped) you in your tracks? What scares you in the fire service?

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Bats scare the bejeezus out of me.
hmmm... how does one get beejeezus in them... to scare it out?
beejeezus is for people who can't afford A-jeezus

I thought it had something to do with religion

Be Jesus

as in... it scared religion right out of him ???
Ok... how about they give me the heebie jeebies?

heebie jeebie - what exactly is a He-B-GB?

is that like a Jeep Wrangler? does that come in the 4x4?
Yup John, I also think that there are a certain number of calls that we just will not be able to compartmentalize into a neat little box. I think some calls are so horrible that they make no internal sense and often our conclusion may be... that will not make sense, so I am going to stop trying to make sense of it internally... sometimes it is just crazy making to keep trying to figure chaos out...
I don't like the dark or mid-heights. I can have a flashlight and am fine, otherwise, forget it! And heights- I can be on the ground or WAY up high, but don't put me in the middle!!
No, but I do have a fear of being struck by lightning.
Gotta to love those brown recluse spiders.

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