We're all scared of something. Myself? Like Indian Jones, I'm petrified of snakes! I had one start chewing on my arm when I was about 13 and after that, never been the same. A call with snakes is the one thing that would DEFINITELY freeze me in my tracks. How about you? What call would/has stop(ped) you in your tracks? What scares you in the fire service?

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I had one of those flying roaches carry my alice pack while on force marches all through bootcamp at Parris Island. Those things are HUGE.
I'm with you Lutan....Calls with kids. You always give 100% but when it comes to kids....175%. No matter what the outcome, the kids face always stay with you.
John, I hope you never have to deal with a childs death either. Speaking from experience, they stay etched in stone in your head forever. Good or Bad
John....AWWW... it's a baby burmese python. If you're gonna have a pet snake, they're the best one to have. Very mild mannered, good temperment.
As long as she's breeding it with another snake,no issues but there are some wackos out there with some strange fettishes. 300 babies in 1 room is a tad bit ridiculous, she had more than 1 breeding female.
My wife, nuff said
When I was younger (20's) I was big into the NO FEAR trade mark. If I was scared of something I would just face it head on and keep going. Then one day (many years later) I realized that fear is what keeps you on your toes. It makes you test that door before you bust in or hit that roof with an axe before you step and read the smoke before rushing the structure. I don't think it is the fear itself that matters but how YOU handle it. Train like it is for real and learn something everyday.
Well she sells to pet stores for a living, so it's understandable why she has 300 baby snakes. She's selling those ones.
i thought the topic was what scares you the most...not what annoys the hell outta you.
who's Indian Jones? Is he like Bruce Leroy?
Supposed to be Indiana Jones
So far I have yet to find anything. I am more cautious with some things than others but not really scared of anything, yet.

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