I run with a volunteer department.  We are about to do hose test on all hose.  Over the years, our hose has lost it's stenciling.  I was not around when the stenciling was put on the hose so I don't know how it was done.  I was going to see if anyone has any good techniques for identifying/labeling hose (Paint, marker, stencil type, etc.).   

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Look in NFPA 1961.
This has nothing to do with hose ID but why are you testing all your hoses at the same time? what happens if sumthing goes wrong and you blow out all the hoses? (very unlikely i know) We test ours periodically and every hose gets tested every year (can be done more frequently) but we will do a couple a week and any repaired hoses are tested as well. All hoses are numbered and recorded. Put in any info about the hose into the record, things like, when it was last tested and any repairs that have been done.
KISS - Keep it simple stupid

Take a black wide tip permanent marker and number the hose and date the hose. It will last a year or two. Keep a log with all hose numbers for tracking.

Less time consuming than stenciling.
3 summers ago I spent a lot of time at the fire house painting and numbering our hose. I put a base coat of white paint from the male coupling to 18" down the line. I then spray painted the numbers onto the white base coat. It looks good and hold up really well. The advantage is the numbers hold for a long time and can be identified for repainting before they get too old to tell what hose it was. The disadvantage, it is a lot of work, that is one summer I will never get back. :(
Stencilling and paint or marker is about all we do to ours, We also test every hose on the engine at once, but we always get a reserve engine at the station til we get done.
I'm with oldman on this one, A big black marker, it's quick and easy and will last well enough to see at the next hose testing, then just go back over it with the marker again.

Jim, you make it sound like common sense was not too common when you guys first did this. Would you care to elaborate? Just kidding. But I can picture it now, a guy with handwriting like mine would never live it down, everything would look like it was in Arabic numerals.
Each company is assigned a company color and the couplings are painted in that color.....we put our company number on the hose with Just plain Sharpie Magic Marker. Every year when we test the hose we just re write it.

Nothing fancy but it works for us
Keeping in mind that paint will melt and/or burn, depending on the base(oil or latex).
Thanks to all for your input.

Our hoses were stenciled with our Dept letters (FVFD) and identifying numbers orginally and records have been established for every hose for some time. I guess they used markers when the hose was originally done.
I assume the better way to do this is to take a thick card stock or file folder and make a stencil out of that and then fill in the stencil on the hose with permanent marker. I did not know if other departments used this type stencil or if they had stencils made out of metal or a more durable material. I know after several uses, the stencil will get worn out and if painting, the stencil will get gummy and full of gooey paint mess. We also mark the diameter of the hose at ever coupling to ensure that they are not coming apart at the coupling under pressure.

We do test all of our hose in one day. We are volunteer and it is easier for us to have all personnel meet for one Saturday and do all the hose. We are lucky enough to have enough hose in reserve to restock an entire truck if needed.

Thanks again for the input.
here's one for ya we test ours while the probies practice hose humping and line running with that we have the numbers logged and they are marked with a perminent black marker and it last a long time if you find a hose thats waring out rewrite it
On my department on all current hose and new hose have a 4 digit number painted on it and every year at hose testing if the numbers are getting faded they are repainted, and if they are missing they get a new numbers.

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