Just curiouse as to the types of runs the diffrent  Depts. represented on here get.

  What are your run types aand what's the volume? How many working fires does your dept do a year. By "Working" I mean a structure and No food on stove doesn't count.lol. What types of Rescue etc. 

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We get about 200,000 runs per yr. 500+ working fires per yr. We have 7 battalions with 40 stations. We have 7 Tac houses. Dive & Surface,extrication,ropes,trench.collaps,confined space. We run ALS Engines & Squads. Like many Depts we run alot of ems calls.
I could really care less that we aren't a state. We operate like any other large city department. We do fine if we use mutual aid from other states, but we rarely use that anyway. 9/11 and the Metro train crash were two that we used in the past 10 years. Most things we handle ourselves.
Were are you from so I don't move there.....LOL
Last I checked we average 275 to 300 runs a year. 85% mutaul aid on structure calls. Daytime most companies in our county run dual response on structure. We have an agreement to run dual 7a to 4p on everything. This added another 50-75 calls bring it to 350 to 400.

Of the 50 to 75 calls in district are MVC's, alarms and once in a blue moon working alarm. Just started EMS and run 100 to 150 a year.

For the amount of runs we do see a good bit of fire, about 30-50 a year.

We also do another 15 to 20 non emergency covers (we've covered about 40 different fire companies in 4 states in 25 years)

We used to have 1 engines, 55ft squrt, 1-rescue-pumper, field piece, county hazmat unit ambulance. Now we're down to a new rescue pumper, the Squrt, Hazmat unit and ambulance. Part-time EMS crews and 20-25 really dedicated FF's
Career FD.
Three stations covering 22 square miles
Frontline apparatus 3 engines, 1 Tower ladder, 1 aerial, 1 rescue.
2 reserve engines, 1 brush fire unit, 1 air unit 6 support vehicles.
We have averaged 5600 runs a year for the last 10 years.
Ron, may I ask the definition of a "run" please?
We are a volunteer department in a small town in northern Alberta, Canada. We provide fire protection to the town and the large rural area surrounding the town. Some of our calls require 20 minutes or more travel time from the fire hall to the incident scene. During 2009 our calls consisted of
7 Structure Fires
11 Wildland Fires
30 Medical Assists
30 Motor Vehicle Collisions
15 Alarm Bells
11 Misc. (fuel spills, helicopter landings, etc.)
We also held several public education events at the fire hall, elementary schools, and service clubs.
During the year our 20 members put in over 2,500 hours.
The department I work for runs 40,000 calls a year.

The station I am assigned to runs 7,000 (between the engine truck and ambulance)

as for the structure fire numbers I dont have them....I do know that at my station we are about 60/40 split (60 percent EMS 40 percent fires and other calls like alarms)

I do know we are very streaky as far as fires go.....we will go 2 months with nothing then run 10 in a cycle....thats just how they happen around here.

We do get alot of quality calls though I work in a middle to lower income area and we are always getting shootings, stabbings, extrications, and just interesting calls that you get in a poor area.

Couple shifts ago we ran 6 calls after midnite a shooting, extrication, 3 fire alarms, and a fire. So while it may not be DC, FDNy, Baltimore or (insert big city here) Ill take it.

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