Hi guys, one of my firefighters really wants to take his firefighter ! & 2 and haz mat if possible online. I have seen in the past where these class's are avaible however I can't remember where I saw it. If anyone knows please let me know. He is going to Afghanistan and wants to do them in his free time.



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Taking fire 1 and 2 online is really stupid (no offense) the only way to learn the skills needed is to take the classes in the academy setting. taking haz mat online line is fine ( I recently did it to learn the new skills since I certified in it years ago.
How would he do his skills check-offs...? I have never heard of taking FF1 and FFII online.....sorry, but I think he will have to do as we all did...sign up and take it through a certified instructor...
YA, I'm currently taking the FF I and FF II courses and was wondering the same thing. I never heard that you can take the classes online. All I know is that the classes I'm taking are divided into 3 Mods and taking the test for each Mod is done at the state fire marshals facility.
I've always had reservations about on-line classes. I think that you lose alot when you foresake the intimacy of a class room and the interaction of your peers, especially when there are hands-on aspects of the class.
It is a bit stupid I agree and I went to the academy so I know that however my firefighter is going to Afgahnistan or however it is spelled lol and he wants to work towards coming back to the department with more stuff while he is there and is why I am asking. You will never learn all you need in any setting but really life but I do agree the online stuff isnt as good but he has no choice
I have heard of people doing them online and I have seen it online but I never paid attention b/c I wouldn't recommend it unless there was a reason. And again the boy is going to Afganistan he wanted to have stuff to do while he is over there
I agree, I went to the academy for mine however he is deploying and wants something to work towards while he is there...
There are fire academys online. Trainingdivision.com is one of these. You take the classroom portion of the course online and then you have to travel to the academy for all of your practical sessions.

Holly cow! really did no one read the end of my question the boy is going to Afghanistan and wanted something to work towards while he was there.... No one is looking for an easy way out, I am finding stuff for him to do. I went to an academy and I agree that it's better training but honestly the boy is doing great with training at my station as for hands on and we have already gone over every class on the basic hands on stuff so he comprehends it very wel and our training officer is a certifed instructorl. I am just trying to find stuff for him to do while deployed... No easy way out or anything like that... I am one to never take the easy way out anyways, I do everything the hard way.
Thank you so much! I am not sure if they will let him do it like this b/c he can't go until he is back from Afgahanistan but it is a much better start. Again thank you
The state of Alabama will not accept any online FF courses. You either go through the academy, state fire college or certified instructor
Please don't take any of what i'm going to say here personal. I'm just speaking my thoughts out loud.
I know we live in a fast paced world but this on-line studies has gotten out of hand. I understand there is a lot of education out there that can be taught through on-line courses but there is also some that just can't be. You take the FF I&II, sure you may be able to do some of the class room on a computer but that computer is not going to be fighting any fires. The EMS programs have started coming out with a basic EMT course, wtf, I can just hear my computer now telling me where it hurts, or taking my computers vitals. On-line Police, man sign me up !!! I think times are getting way to ahead of its self for our own personall well being, especially in our line (lines) of work. Again this is just me thinking out loud.


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