Well for me I have loved this "business" since i was a youngster. I live a block away from the station so I can rember when the siren went off i'd rush over to the window and watch all the men rush over to the station jump on the trucks and head out!

I was always captivated how when the siren goes off people come from where ever and drop everything to help in most cases people we dont even know!

I have always had this saying "that the you don't pick the job the job picks you!" We are a different breed of people we care when others could careless! It's not always easy but that's why I love it.

Well im done now lets hear why you love the job!

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I've loved it since i was little. When i was 4 or 5 i'd sit on top of the engine and watch my dad and the other guys on the department do what they did best. Firefightin has been in my blood ever since then and i dont think it will ever leave, and i hope it doesn't.
I was 7 I think when the apartment building across the street from me caught fire. My mom loaded my little sister in me into our car....while she was doing that a single mom with 3 little girls was in tears on the sidewalk next to our car...it was her building that would end up being a total loss. My mom had her put her daughters in the car with us so they would be safe. Ever since that day I knew what I wanted to do
Saving life and properties for free is what makes us happy here. Helping those who are in need in times of emergency is our passion. A smile or a simple "thank you" in return is what pushes me to continue our passion.
Seeing a friend do it planted the seed. Going to every Fire function in town watered the seed.
Wanting to help people and the lights and sirens... A lot of things made me want to join.

EVERYTHING about being a firefighter is fun.
four generations of my family have been in different nz services and fire just happened to be mine , its a little weird actually cos my first bed after my cot was a fire engine bed, lol and i grew up on the gypsy fair where i learnt to play with fire at the age of 5 years old , spinning fire poi . one day we had a opening at our local brigade and my mother told me i should give it ago when i turned 16 so i did, my parents were very supportive of the idea and gave me the permission to join, i love that feeling of knowing that i can make a difference by helping some one who needs it , i love giving back to my community , becoming a volunteer was the best decision i have ever made and its made me who i am. i have this saying my father told me an its "fire fighters never give up" because of that its pushed me to do well on duty and off. its the job and theres nothing else like it.
I liked and still do like knowing I can be counted on.
Simple "Why not"
for me its the fact that my mom used to be one my dad is currently chief of my station. Its just its something you have to grow up around and have to it in you.. you almost have to experience it one time to see what it is we love about being firefighters... it's not just the respect its the fact that you are willing to put yourself to a higher standard to protect your community 24/7 no matter what.
its not just any job its THE JOB, i enjoy being able to help my community when they need help an giving back to them, i love fire its an amazing thing when its respected but i have no problems putting it out when it is causing damage, i get this good feeling when im doing it because ive helped made a difference.

Regardless of the call, from the big fire to helping someone back into a chair they fell out of, when I'm returning from a call I feel like I have accomplished something and made a difference, no matter how small. This job is the only thing I have done that just feels right and gives me a sense of fullfilment.

For me it started at the age of 14.  Myself and a couple friends heard there was a little girl lost in our small community.  We thought we knew where she went.  I found her and took her back to her mother.  The feeling I had when I put the child into the mother's arms was something I wanted to have more of!

My dad was a volunteer firefighter, ski patroler and mountain search and rescue.  He got me involved with all of them.  

I heard of a community college in my state that had a curriculum in fire science.  I got an associate degree and got hired by the Salem Fire Department in Salem Oregon in early 1975.  I retired last year.

What a life.  I don't know of many people who looked forward to going to work.  Especially after many years.  But I loved helping people.  Whether it was putting out a major fire or helping the little old lady off the floor.

Now I teach at that community college.  I don't miss the job.  I miss the people.

Yup......I got to go "woo woo".  (What we called going code 3)  Drove around in an expensive vehicle that was the envy of all.  Got to hang out with some really great people on and off duty.

Wouldn't trade a day of it!

Be safe out there!

Capt HUK

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