Hey people I hope you all are doing great!

Here is the thing, actually I live in Costa Rica, Central America to be exact.. I am looking forward to become a fireman in the States, because thats what my dream is about. Does any one of you, have any idea of what I have to do?

Please Guys if you can tell me something about it, It will be really appreciated!

Regards Jose!

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Does any one of you, have any idea of what I have to do?

First this is quite vague because there are many depts here and all have their own standards and requirements to meet for hire. A common issue would be to be able to legally work in the states, so that would be your first challenge to meet.
dude, you have no idea, how much I appreciate your comment and advice!!!

I guess I am gonna have to find a little bit more about that!

Thank you!
Wussup Jose!!! First I gotta answer a question with a question! Why not be a firefighter in Costa Rica?? Just a question?? I don't know??

Now about becoming a firefighter here in the states; Like the previous poster indicated, I suppose being able to work legally in the states would be paramount. Once you have gone through the necessary steps to become a citizen, then you need to decide where it is you want to work. Ask yourself what part of the United States would you like to live in.

Now, there are a number of things that you're going to have to do to assimilate here, including finding a regular job, enrolling in fire science classes at a community college, positioning yourself to acquire EMT training. Once you ingratiate yourself with the rest of the fire community (other people like yourself wanting to get hired) then you will understand more about the process. I do encourage you to stay within the "fire community" by staying in the forums and chat rooms.

Most departments now subscribe to the CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test). Once you pass the CPAT, you'll be given a certification that is valid for one year. When you get that certification, start applying to departments. You'll have a written test and interview. Sometimes, a polygraph is part of the process. You don't need a lot of certifications, previous training or experience like some will convince you. You just need Heart, Ambition, Desire AND....A great oral interview presentation! Might I suggest: eatstress.com (or Google CaptBob). There's great free content on the web site. Now here's a tip: Paramedic training is a huge, huge bargaining chip to have to market yourself to fire departments. It's the difference between getting hired and not getting hired, often!

Well, I've given you a lot of information, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Get in touch with me if you'd like more info! Good Luck!!

The Axeman
"Purpose, Truth and Passion Yield Power and Dominion IN ACTION!!!"
That is just the start. Getting hired is a shot in the dark. You can have all the experience and qualifications in the world. But when you apply, your going to be applying with sometimes thousands of people. The fire departments can be and will be super picky, because there are so many applying. If there is anything that doesn't look right on your resume, or they didn't like your hair cut, or anything, you will not get hired. And lots of times they have the person picked out before they even start running a process, so you have no chance at all of getting hired. I hate to be the bad news guy, but your going to be going up against literally tens of thousands on people that are already in the U.S. and are trying to get firefighting jobs. I'm not saying it's impossible, it's just very hard. You better have all your ducks in a row and be ready to travel all over the country trying out for as many departments as you can. This is all after you get your citizenship, fire science degree, paramedic, and pass your CPAT. I hope you're young, because you need to get all this done by the time your in your mid twentys, otherwise your going to be to old to get hired anywhere. I've heard it taking a couple of years of applying and interviewing before people get there big break. Good Luck.
Thank you very much, Dude! well, is not that I dont want to be a firefighter here in Costa Rica, it just that I am looking forward to become a Fireman at the states, the "calls" are very different, the staff, the preparation, the training, the knowledge you supposed to have and, the schools you can assit to! Those are great things, I want to take advantage of! I know it is going to be a long long way for me to go, But I have to try it! at least!

I really appreciated you help!
I hope, we can stay in touch!
Regards JOse
Thank you very much, Dude! well, is not that I dont want to be a firefighter here in Costa Rica, it just that I am looking forward to become a Fireman at the states, the "calls" are very different, the staff, the preparation, the training, the knowledge you supposed to have and, the schools you can assit to! Those are great things, I want to take advantage of! I know it is going to be a long long way for me to go, But I have to try it! at least!
Ok, now firstly, I realize I am replying to an old post.. not the oldest one I see being "brought back from the dead" but old enough.
Jose, ( or hose B if its appropriate) I think first things first. In order to become a firefighter in.. well anywhere I am thinking, you actually should kinda like.. how do I say... be there... I mean BE IN THE U.S.A (or the country you wish to be working in). Then, learn the launguage of the country ( although I suspect its becoming more and more of a non-issue) and learn to read and write the language of the country, and practice practice practice and become very fluent in it. Don't forget your other languages though. That certainly may come in handy too. Next step is to find a good school for firefighting courses. I know you can handle that part on your own too. Simply using todays technology you will not have problems locating a good school. Once you are able to legally work to earn the money to pay for the schooling.. thats when the real hard work starts. Classes and more classes and you have to pass them first. Get all that stuff done, and then see if you still want to be a firefighter ( we call them fire fighters here, because there are women also doing it, and you just can't call a woman a man ( well I guess there are cases that you could..but thats a whole different topic and website initself).
The bottom line, it will take way to much work to simply write it out here. Start at the start.
All the best of luck to you.
DUDE. :)
I gotta the "fireman" part about women :D (sorry about that)... about the languange well I have been practicing it, still need to learn more but doing great! I mean here in CR, almost no one speaks "English"... so mine is not that bad! and about, where I want to be a "fighter", I would love to, at LA, NY, or any part where the "good schools" are near by! :D

I hope I can hear more from you! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :D
Jose, Kali is a not a dude! Kali is one of our bestest bro's but she is a women.
:( My bad! sorry about that... lately my mind is out of my brain. :S
A general answer to a general question. Here in SoCal the trend is to hire paramedics and train them to be firefighters. FF1 is desirable, but not required.
what do you mean by "SoCal"...?! sorry dont know what is it... :D

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