Im going on 15 years in the fire department, How many years have you been in a fire department?? and what is the most memoriable story.

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I have 37 years this month. I guess most memoriable was the Palmer Road garden apartment fire we had in Feb. back in the 70s. Fire started in a basement apartment got into the walls then worked its way up to the attic where it ran the row of buildings that were connected. We had mulitable alarms from around the county and from the county south. It was cold and icey, a unit from one fire company tried to get a rear position and got stuck in the mud. It became the county call to change operations after that fire and improve the firefighting in the county.
My fire company is also this month and year has 60 years to the community
17 years with one department, then I moved on. I have yet to have a memoriable story maybe it is still out there waiting.
I joined our department in August of 1994. The most memorable event that I've had occurred on December 21, 1997.

In the early morning hours there was a 10-50 in a neighboring departments area. A DUI was being brought in signal 10 with a medic driving, two paramedics and two basic emt's in the back attending to the male patient.

On their way to the hospital a 17 yr old girl was driving the opposite way without her lights on and hit the ambulance head-on.

Our department was called for the extrication, this was around 5am. Enroute we heard that an ambulance was involved.

Upon arriving at the scene, the 17yr old was DOA and crushed in her car. The engine compartment of the ambulance was crushed in and the medic driving was killed instantly. In the back of the ambulance one of the paramedics had a fatal head injury and the other had a broken leg and some broken ribs, but was still trying to do CPR on his partner when we arrived.

The basic emt's were tossed around but were not injured significantly except for one of them was pregnant and lost her unborn child. The patient they were transporting also died on scene.

While this was going on we got called for another 10-50 south of town. A pick-up truck ran head on into a semi. The driver of the pick-up truck was the brother to the original patient and was rushing to the hospital to see his brother.

It was a very stressful situation for all departments and agencies involved. The paramedic that died was one of the primary instructors in the county and I had just finished taking an EMT-B course from him 6 months prior.

I can still picture every detail of that call and those of us there still reminisce about it each year. Not a good memory, but the most memorable nonethe less.
30. Joining the Fire Department and every call since.
I had 8 years with my old dept and I got 10 months with my new dept, 4 of those as an EMT-B. Too many memorable calls to mention. I got 10 months with my new dept. plus I just got my EMT-B back so I'm sure I'll have more memorable calls.
I will have 18 years this year

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