This discussion will NOT be closed ( least not by me)
what you need...
what you want....

Recognizing and accepting that (most especially) people in this profession tend to be strongly opinionated and have a wicked sense of humor, attempting to regulate humor and opinion, especially in the midst of a "conversation", is both presumptuous and dictatorial. 

Towards that end, there is no off-topic discussion in this thread, so long as you can 'somehow' relate it back to respect.  Take it where ever it goes, sarcasm is allowed.  No...really.

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Not a problem with discussion.....But I always thought "discussion" meant a 2-way form of communication....? That's Ok...I guess I was wrong.......happens sometimes.....must be getting old........LOL
It was Saturday morning, kids were having breakfast and I was chilling out for a while.... :-)

I still reckon they're spot on (And not just cause I wrote them!!!) though.

If everyone thinks the same then no one is thinking.
The Godfather part one when Fredo explains to Mike why he betryed the family..."I'm the older brother and i got passed over! i'm smart, i can run things and i want respect!...(softly), "pop didn't want it that way"....quality teaching folks
Respect, I would like to think that if you need to have it explained, framed to context, defined, or otherwise expounded will never understand, or grasp the concept. Way above your social and mental skills. Wow, now that sounded rather elitist (lol)

I'm not sure that the words of a member of a fictional italian, organized crime family exactly constitutes a "learning moment.' I think better examples could be found elsewhere (and this maybe because, being of italian descent I find such references to be a bit too stereotypical).
I read in here that respect has to be given before recieved which in a way I totally disagree.Here's why with one example:We will start with the probies.When I was a probie there are just some people that will not give you respect just based solely on the fact that you are just that... a probie!? I was there bustin my ass learning all I could asking questions to the senior guys but there is always those 3 or 4 guys that look at you as you are nothing and I can't give them respect if I'm not receiving it.I give respect to the people who deserve it.I didn't come in there thinking I knew it all or with an attitude I came to be a good firefighter and you look to your peers to learn and get experience.In my books respect is very easily earned from both sides but if a guy is just being a complete jackweed because your a probie he's not going to get it.
Respect is very vital in the fire service whether it be in your own station or between coverage areas or full time /volunteer.Nobody in here can tell me that they would still try and earn respect from a person or persons that do not treat you with it.The way I roll is everyone starts with having my respect whether it be rookie,full time or other department but it's totally in their court on whether they want to keep it or not.I give it til I don't receive it I think that is the best route for RESPECT.Why keep kissin someones ass when they don't treat you like a human.I don't know maybe I'm just wierd?

No I have no chip on my shoulder.....I have acutally been treated quite well in my time in the FD (due to me being a legacy).

Legacy schmegacy.... one has to earn their respect.. not expect it based on what your parent did on the FD in his/her career.

I have known a few "legacy firefighters" that were the biggest @#$! ups on their FD's... thinking that their "legacy" would keep them off of their Chief's fecal matter list.
My name is Jack and I approve this message.... LOL
I have had to earn alot, but since most of the guys I have worked with have known me since I was a has been easier than a person with similar fire service experience.

All I was saying is that I have seen these guys I am supposed to be giving respect to hound younger, or newer firefighters only to be consistently out perfromed by them on the fireground. Not just with physical aspects either....Im talking about pumping, fire scene organization (acting officer stuff), etc. all things that a "Senior" member should do better then someone with less tenure but doesnt. But yet the riducule and the demand for respect never end.

Maybe as Kali suggested we should beat it into them.....that will work right....get real, thats another form of old school thinking that has gone by the way side, you get in a fight intodays world you will be sued, and at the very least lose your job. Although Im sure thats how your respect was earned right?

BTW just becuase you post in a public forum doesnt mean you asked for opinion. I responded to the original posters post, never did I solicite anyone for there opinion on the subject.

Expressing an opinion invariably invites both confirming and conflicting opinions. Regardless of whether or not your sought them out. Therein lies the fundamentals of having a discussion.

And as the OP I not only see nothing wrong with anyone's opinion being challenged, I wholeheartedly encourage it. If an opinion isn't strong enough to hold up to challenge then what value is it? Same for the person holding the opinion.
If you come on a department as a second third forth generation you have a certain amount of respect already that is true but it don't mean you can't lose it by having a swelled head.I think that alot of people like I stated earlier can become disrepectful to a senior FF if they do not get respect from them which can become a huge issue and snowball into something bigger.Some of you senior guys stop and think about when you started did you not get mad at a person for treating you like gum on their shoe.And I'm not talkin about the ribbing and jokin I'm talkin about the stuff where they basically told you to sit down and shut up rookie you don't know nor do you have a say kinda stuff.And know think of how you treat a new guy now that you are senior.
I've seen it a thousand times in here where people joke about the rookie and the voluteer but if it is not a joke do you expect respect when you don't give it?Because I'll tell you I'm not the type of guy to kneal down and kiss your feet to make sure you like me and sometimes that's the attitude that some senior guys portray and that to me is totally wrong and not the way you earn respect.RESPECT in my books is only lost by one and has to be RE-earned.Not demanded or earned by kissin ass I give respect right off the bat.

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