On my home state discussion board its becoming clearer that I don't know what I'm talking about. Its not that I don't make sense. Its because I don't ride anymore. Even though I have 30 years of experience. Held line office for 18 of those 30. Was elected to every executive office except treasurer, even was VP, Charimen of the board and 1st Assist one year. Elected Firefighter of Year fro our company twice (by 2 different chiefs so its not like I kissed ass...)  But that doesn't count..because I haven't ridden in 2 years


I didn't realize how out of touch I've gotten and how much the firefighting world has changed. I know you still ride engines, rescues and ladders (sometimes Trucks) Gear hasn't change that much if at all and the way we fight fires I think have stayed to same in the last two years...Wet stuff on the red stuff right...


I don't know in your fire company or area but there seems to be a lack of respect for those that came before or stopped riding. The younger people think they do it better. Try putting out a car fire with 250 gallons..because thats all you had. I guess I'm different because we were raised to respect our elders. We had some great people in our company. They broke barriers. Taught themselves how to fight fires. They taught me and I tried to teach those who followed. But somewhere along the way things changed. Our fire department didn't start in 1949 but in 1989 when "they" joined. The fact that the older guys watched TV sitting on the back of an engine so they can now enjoy a big screen with cable and AC doesn't matter.They do it better..Well guess what. To all you young Firefihgters, until you start a fire company, teach someone to replace you and are replaced, have 20 years of experience you haven't done jack...I respect the time you put in, 5 days or 5 years...all I ask is that you repsect mine.


Have a nice holiday

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Well stated, JPC! I get the same feeling once in a while. There is a lot less of that thing called "respect" in our world today. I't's taught at home...
You are right on JPCraig. I'm not a kid anymore, sad to say, but I still only have 5 years in and still feel like one of the new guys because we get under 300 calls per year and most of those are medicals. So a vast experience is something I am lacking. I've also been talking with the elders and they say the same as you. I'm old enough to know my place, and I have the utmost respect for those before me and will always gravitate towards them when they are discussing past experiences. They(you) have seen so much and have so much info to sheare that is still relevant today. I, too, see the younger ones shrugging off the inormation given to them from the more experienced because they think they got it pegged because they are younger, stronger,faster. Sometimes that may be the case, but lets (yes, I include myself) not forget who paved the road for us today.
Great post Craig.
(My appologies for the structure of this message.)
Well first off the old adage of respect goes both ways still applies. Just don't command respect because you have years on the job, but if you don't show some respect then don't be surprised if it doesn't return. Now I'm not saying you don't show respect and I also understand how younger kids today don't share the same attitude and sentiment as those in the past, but it is still a 2 way street. Secondly you are talking about a discussion board, which makes me think "internet", and as here, we know how people can be when encountering someone on the net vs in person.

Now from personal experience of respect going both ways, stems from some issues with retired FF's. While they did their time and things were "tougher" in ways, they were also easier. We had to battle retirees going to politicians about wages and benefits because they still thought the job was exactly how they left it, they still thought we played cards all day, like them, etc. It wasn't until a retired FF came in and made that statement that a recent retired FF stood up and set the issue straight of how things really did change and they were wrong to continuously think things didn't change. Not very fun dispelling the working conditions of the past from those of today with retirees thinking things stayed the same and that was their reasoning to be against raises. And yes Craig, some significant changes (at least around here) have been made in the last 2 years. So my point is that it helps to understand the issues and challenges that the younger generation now faces as compared to how it used to be.

Now a couple things that stood out to me I wanted to address"
Try putting out a car fire with 250 gallons..because thats all you had.

Yes, but why not secure a water supply if this was an issue? Secondly cars of today are nothing like the past, there are a lot more plastics, metals, sythetics and so forth which burn longer today as opposed to older vehicles. Same thing goes with a structure fire, the materials, furnishings, etc burn hotter and longer where more water is needed. Knowing your limitations is part of the battle and if arriving with only 250 gallons of water, then one should be looking ahead. Is that not what we teach the "younger" FF's? So why should one be awed about how one put out fires in the past? Yes, it was a challenge, but should that command respect?

have 20 years of experience you haven't done jack

I have to disagree here. Now I'm one of these guys right in the middle for the most part. I'm not the young guy anymore and I'm a ways from being what I consider an old guy, yet I'm right in the middle and I have to say, there is a lot I have done in my short time. On the other side I see guys with 20 years who have coasted by, so why should I respect their time as much as someone who busted their ass, trains, and so forth. There is a difference with 20 years experience and 20 years in the position. One doesn't need to have 20 years in before they are considered to done "jack", there are plenty of ways to make an impact.
Craig....I am no spring chicken...on many of your points I agree with you....BUT (notice capital letters) Are you looking for respect for your years of service or for what you did in those years....? I am sorry Sir...for a person to get respect in my book they must have earned it...and just the same for the younger members of today.....I respect them (some) for what they do and not for the fact they have 5 years in.....Just my look at it.............Paul
I don't ask for respect I try to earn it. But when its like me telling Chief France he doesn't know anything when he stops riding even though I don't know him. I definitly give respect. The younger guys in the firehouse know I listen to them when thier in charge without hesitation. When I drive they say turn left I turn left. But also if I see something wrong I'll quietly point it out...just like people did with me when I was younger. This is a response on Delawarefirefighter.com from an unkown member to this type of discussion;

I don't care if you have 20,30,40 years in if your no longer active you should have no say. Most of not all of the problems when it come to the paid staff comes from these old farts. Before anyone replies "if it wasn't for these old farts we wouldn't be were we are today" I have to say bull if thats the case way are we so far behide in time way wasn't plans in place these problems did not arise over night.
another opinion.....and you know the addage about "opinions"......They are like assholes...we all have one and they all stink"
I am curious to know why you are no longer "riding"? Are you still involved in the department?

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