After 2 bad calls this week, I am looking into a vest. I am also looking into if there are grants out ther for Fire and EMS for this. Any help and web sites would be a great help.

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That plate is made of ballistics rated poly materials or steel and they are for ballistics. The plate protects the vital life supporting organs such as the heart and lungs.
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that vests under turn-out are an increased risk of over exertion, collapse, arrest, and faster depletion of the man power pool. I can't say I think it is safe. This seems like a damned if you damned if you don't situation.
FOR EMS in bad areas...I would wear one! I know former medics from UMDNJ Newark, NJ that have been shot at.
I don`t know if anyone put this on here what I am about to say but I`m going to say it.Fire departments spend a lot of money on fire gear.Why can`t they come up with a way to put like a bullet proof vest inside the coats or EMS coats. It would just be an extra layer under neath but it would be worth the money. You can agree or disagree with me but that is what I think. Another thing they might have a coat like this but I have never heard of one.So don`t get mad at me for saying what I said.
just be an extra layer under neath

Travis in actuality, it would be 5 to 10 extra layers depending on the vest manufacturer.
Yes that is truck but i was thinking like if they need them it was take longer to put on and time is wasting. But if they made something like that inside the gear then it wouldn`t take as long.
there are heaps of different ballistics vests. I dont by any means claim to be an expert however I do wear one daily with the police. There are different ratings for high velocity and lower velocity rounds, for this line of work you wouldnt want anything with a ceramic plate, just your kevlar, and these days you would find that they are generally good against knife attacks. The downside is, they do get hot and sometimes uncomfortable. When you have a high rate of work, especially in firefighting activities they wouldnt help too much, too hot and restrictive especially with all the gear that we work with.
The good thing is, the one I use can be worn over or underneath clothing and therefore it is very easy to put on and off. If your thinking about it, it can be something that is worn when going to certain events, not all, but those high risk ones where there may be a chance of injury to yourself.
Something to really consider, and its a personal thing...they have their good and bad points.
Thanks for the info. I am looking at a ouyer carrier to wear on EMS calls only as I have not had a problem on the fire ground. Most of the ones I have looked at you can get with the plate or just the carrier. If I buy just the carrier and no plate do I still have protection. The reson I ask this is the carriers I have looked at are limited do to the Chief mandating it have EMS on the front and back, and the plates for them are very pricey, so it may have to be one of those buy the vest then the carrier on another check. But I want to be pretected as soon as possiable.
There are two types I use at work, the one I use every day is made of layers of woven kevlar with no plate, its lightweight, flexible and defensive for knife and smaller firearm rounds such as pistols. The larger one I use has a ceramic plate, however only really used when attending jobs with high velocity firearms like some rifles etc, this one you couldnt use everyday, way to bulky and heavy. I will post some pictures of the different types tomorrow when Im back from work.
it's crazy we have to look at bullet proof vest these days. we always have a sherriff around with us most of the time unless we arrived first. i know the sherriffs had to taz one guy before. it's like my chief says you can never let your guard down. always look around and know where you are at.
I am not mentioning where, but some short time ago, a call went sour for an Ambulance crew, and the radio report said that the crew was "returning fire" this was 15 years ago, so vests are a good idea, I don't know about a gun, my choice would be a K-12..
Hey Billy

Here are some pics mate
The larger one is one with a ceramic plate - high velocity rounds (I dont reccomend this for firefighting)
however if your keen on getting something for protection, just for those jobs that dont directly relate to fire fighting, the smaller one is great, both bullet resistant and provides protection from knife attacks.

Have a look, hope it helps

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