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It seems to me that what some people don't think about is that they represent and reflect upon their departments 24/7/365 no matter if they are on the clock or not. If people would just ask themselves this question before they act ALOT of theese things would not happen.

Is what I am about to do going to reflect positively upon my department?

Sorry for spelling and grammar errors
the fact that it reflects on your character is something that you have to deal with.

Yes Jack I do have to deal with it myself.... yet I am secure enough in myself not to care what others thing of me in that aspect. I like what I like and if some one else does not then that is there issue not mine, they do not have to look at it. I know I am not going to judge some one for the things they wear or like because I know I have my own flaws to be concerned about. As for your comment, " I mentioned the PIG because the bike cop had one on his handle bar...shows confidence and poise." you decided to try and give the reasoning behind the pig and the origin on the phrase.
"The cop on the bike with the pig on the handle bars, taking the sting out of the word. Time was when cops were referred to as "pigs", until they co-opted the word as an acronym for
which has no bearing on the discussion, the fact that it is there is the point. If some one wearing a shirt would be a disgrace then what would this be? As for the further decision with me, I say any time. Finlay for this comment, "And so as not to insult people I refuse to talk down to them" I can recall on numerous occasions which is almost every time you comment on a subject it is in what could be described as an insulting manner. So if that is not a form of "talking down" to some one I do not know what is in your mind.
Man this has gotten way out of hand...........ITS A SHIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont think it is funny, or fact Jime Rome would call it a triple U (Unlaughable, Uninspired, and Unreadable). But come on its a shirt.

"BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN" If you think a shirt is going to currupt your or anyone elses kids then you or they are not very good parents. You probably complain about to much violence on TV dont you? Sit your kid down and explain to them why its bad, answer there questions honestly and matter fo factly. This whole codling of our children thing has got to stop, or as I call it the "pussification of america" It all started with bottled water, giving medals for last place, and that double first base in little leauge. Sorry folks toughen these kids up, cause these t-shirts are no where close to the toughest thing they are gonna have to deal with.

I stated earlier that fireman drink beer and chase women, and someone asked "what are you doing to change that....nothing probably" WHY WOULD I WANNA CHANGE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing wrong with throwing back a few beers....its how alot of disputes are soved, its how a lot of steam is blown off.

Again if you think this shirt is bad then I better not see ya out drinking in your department shirt cause isnt that worse?

Bottom line everyone chill out, there are people in this world doing alot worse than wearing this shirt, and there are more pressing issues in the fire service than shirts.
It all started with bottled water? Really? I'd love to see the studies that came up with that conclusion.

This has nothing to do with coddling kids, unless you're talking about the kids that would wear the tee shirts we're discussing in which case, I'd agree with you. I'm gobsmacked that people that defend these kind of shirts think that it has to do with the "pussification of america". Hardly, in fact it's the opposite, it's the f**k you attitude that so many people seem to have today, that they can say what ever they want, where ever they want, without regard for other people, simply because of "freedom of speech". What ever happened to the common sense that should go along with freedom of speech?

As for drinking beers and chasing women, it would appear that you think that that is what it is all about. Reminds me of that youtube video...."Did I mention that I'm a fireman?"

As for seeing me out drinking beer in a department tee....I don't do that. But then, I'm sure that you do...freedom of speech and all.

"Nothing wrong with throwing back a few beers....its how alot of disputes are soved, its how a lot of steam is blown off." Yeah, domestic disputes are always solved with alcohol, ask the wife that gets smacked around, so too are bar disputes. Funny how alcohol seems to help solve problems. Shame they outlawed drinking and driving, you could probably solve traffic jams with beer.
" It's just a shirt"........ok.. I'll give you that. It is, in fact, a shirt. but what is on the shirt is an offensive depiction of firefighters. In my opinion, it's immature and shows lack of class to those who wear it. As I've heard before, your choice of wardrobe says a lot about one's personality. I like to think that is fitting. I, personally would not wear this particular shirt unless I wanted people to see me as a Beavis or Butthead type of fellow.
The play on words, in my opinion, is not suited for public display. Like a skin mag, it's something that should be left home. I have seen some shirts out there with the cartoons or sayings on them that gave me a chuckle or two, but this, to me, isn't humorous. It's just a shirt made in bad taste. No class.
I agree with Jack in regard to his comment about society becoming a f--k you society. People seem to have no respect regard for other people. I've seen it. Gone are the days of "excuse me m'am", or "thank you sir". Now it's "huh huh...look at my shirt, it says dick on it..huh huh, and I don't care what you think about it".
"We are all professionals"??....not with this garbage. Even if you were the greatest firefighter, or any person for that matter, I would never take you seriousely. I doubt I'm alone in thinking this.
but hey, I'm no fashion police, I'm just one person with an opinion. If you want to be seen as a firefighter dick, then all the power to you. Myself, personally, I don't need the attention. I get by fine without needing people to look at me.
I agree Derek. Earn the respect by being professional in the way you are and are perceived. You want to be a Whacker wear it on your shirt, vehicle and your speech. Respect is earned!
Yeah...I want to make an aggressive move on a pre-flash unventilated monster with someone who has such little respect for fire.

Shirts like that are worn by guys who know they need false bravado to appear equal to their REAL peers.
Man you guys really have no sense of humor. Look like I have said before I dont like the shirt either, but I dont think this is the worst thing that does, or can happen in the fire service.

There are tons of guys who drink beer in public in the actual department t-shirts. There are tons of people who enter buildings with out SCBA, or proper PPE, there are tons of people who are not trained to do the job the right way, we have guys who cant push away from the table and are to fat to do the job, etc.

We have all of these problems and your worried about a shirt. I bet with this sense of humor you guys are real jewels to work with. Besides being professional this job is supposed to be enjoyable, and fun. Thats why so many people wanna do it.

Yes I belive in freedom of speech, Our founding fathers belived in it enough to go against a king (I bet he thought they had no common sense either). Take yourself a little less serious cause if a shirt gets you this tuned up your gonna have a rough life.
Man I can not believe that you don't bother to read all of the other relevant posts. Like I said before, it's not about humor (I have a great sense of humor, warped and perverted) it's simply about good taste.

I get the impression that because some of us keep responding you think we're too serious, yet I notice that you're not quite able to restrain yourself from responding either...I guess we all just like to think we're right.

Actually, I think I am a jewel to work with, I love to bust ass, pull pranks and generally have a good time. But then, nobody in my station would wear one of those immature shirts (at least not in the firehouse). I'm having a hard time understanding how wearing these kinds of tees would make the job more enjoyable but I'm sure you see your point.

As for taking one's self less seriously, I'd suggest you re-read at least what I've written. I don't think I've been all that serious about this, and personally I don't see it really pertaining to just firefighters, but to good taste. If shirts in poor taste amuse you then go right ahead, but I'm betting they would not be allowed/appreciated on the bay floor. (thanks for the history refresher, I'd forgotten all about the king, and the revolution. Funny how time gets away.)
Robert, I see you didn't bother to respond to any of this? Too serious?
Bottom line is...if we were all professional enough not to buy and wear these shirts, the folks who print them would stop.
So let me just clarify a few things to you Jack!

#1-- I personally would not buy the shirt or wear the shirt unless I was of course around you just to piss you off.I did'nt find the shirt funny.;I'm simply standing up against you and the other people that seem to want to control everyone in the world and tell them what I/They cannot do.Have you ever been to the Dominican and seen women on the beach topless with your kids around.Do you go over and tell the 60 year old to put her top on cause your kids are there.No cause this is known before you get there that your kids would be exposed to it.And like said by someone else here,By far this is the least of what your worries should be as to what your kids should be exposed to.They probably know alot more than what that shirt says by Grade 2 from the school yard and you can call me a bullshitter but I went to school and so did everyone here and remember what went on out at recess.

I do to take precautions as to what I say and do at scenes/at the hall and out in public but there is no way I can nor will I try to be an angel or saint it's impossible.Like I've tried to get through your thick skull that it don't matter what you do in life not everyone is going to agree with it and some people will be "big deal he's a person and they do stuff".
I'll give you an example of this as to when you said "I can go ahead and wear my shirt while I skin a deer and add more lights to my truck"Well I do not hunt nor do I agree with killing an animal but it has to be done in order to keep numbers down and I'll eat a pork chop but I don't agree with slaughter houses I think they are cruel but it has to be done to feed the human race.But other people love to hunt and other people couldn't care less about the millions of animals hearded into barns to have their throats slit while they are alive.So you see what I'm saying(probably not because you feel your opinion is the right opinion and nobody else has a clue) but every action that anyone does either pisses someone off or they couldn't care less.And I only have one light in my truck and it's on my visor and I barely use it so before you start throwing out your condisending remarks you may just offend somebody but you don't care cause you said it so it's fine.
And as far as having a few beers before a call I never know when my pager is going to tone so what your saying is to be a fireman I have to be a non-drinker.Kiss my ass you guys!I have one or two beers out in the yard while sweatin my ass off there is no problem over a few hours you are not drunk nor impaired in anyway.# or 4 in an hour I don't go cause then you have put everyone at risk.I may not have a buzz but if something ever happened legally i'd probably be screwed so I don't go.As much as Jack wants to call me a redneck and think that I just gut deer and get hammered and destroy the fire services name he's wrong I do have common sense.I just have a hard time with people who run their gate about everyone else when their own backyard is'nt the cleanest.
Oh ya and is'nt jack a short form for Jackass? Oh NOW I know what the problem is here!!!

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