Hi everyone! I just purchased a Cairns N5A Leather Helmet off of Ebay. The owner before be put a Bronx bend in it. Which I like..No problems there. I just a little concerned with a crack on the back of the helmet where the skull cap meets the brim..heres some photos.

What should I do? Not worry about the crack near the Skull Cap/Brim merging zone, and just paint the cracks in the paint..or am I worried Over nothing?

Thanks in Advance!


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Try thefirestore.com, they have stuff to fix leathers, but not much.
Joshua...is your Turn-outs NFPA....? Are your Engines NFPA compliant..? If they are it can be construed that you are "selectively" following NFPA in some areas and not others....Laywers have a ball with this technicality....Just a thought.
Its not just the bennies...but the lawyers that I am referring to......But...thats is you and yours...not me and mine...I don't see a prob with marking the gear....I am talking about "home repairs and mods"....and one other thing.......Just because it has been done for over 100 years does not make it right......thanks for the information..............Paul
Hmm....lets see! For them to not pay they would have to prove that a helmet with the stickers, and the paint that you just applied, had they not been there would have prevented your injuries. Lets take it one step further, the moment you take it out and enter into a building the warranty and all liabilty is out the window. So, what you think is by putting a coat of paint on your helmet you are no longer covered?? HAve you read your owners manual?? They tell you what type of paint to use! As for the cracks, leathers crack, its what they do!! People, please.....this argument has been around as long as Career vs vollie. There has been no known case that i have ever heard of that the feds refused to pay the LODD bennies because your hemet had a red coat of paint on it...when they COME PAINTED!!!!!!!!!
your gear meets the NFPA standards at time of purchase, they wont make them any other way. That does not make you a 100% NFPA compliant dept. Every Dept in this nation does not follow 100% NFPA standards, soo.....are you now worried about not collecting your bennies??
Lawyers can sue anybody for anything. i think people are too afraid of the threat then reality. I have yet to see a single LODD bennies denied because of non 100% compliance to NFPA standards.
Its two part epoxy that they can sell you for more than a hardware store.
It didn't buy it looking to get the "Salty look" i already got my other helmet scratched, melted a liner, melted a face shield..not because Im stupid, but because shit went bad quick. I bought it because it was all I could muster for money. Im going to try and buy a new one..but for now Im going to make this one work.
Thank you brother! Youve cheered me up quite a bit. The small space between the Cap and Brim tho..that seems ok?
without seeing the helmet i cant say for sure. I can only say i have the same space on mine.
ok thanks Dave for the information. I didn't mean to get you all defensive and uptight about this topic. I was merely asking for information. You were also right about the LODD. I too have never heard of any LODD bennies not being paid out because of a cracked or broken helmet. But then again, I have not read all the reports of the causes of the LODD. Probably never in the history of the profession has anyone ever been hurt or killed by being hit on the head, and therefore the helmet companies would not even need to worry about their product. I have heard of a guy in a construction company, that was beaned, and the insurance said FU. The helmet you were wearing was not up to standards because it was weakened by the paint, and other modifications. But that was in construction. Nothing to do with Fire. Anyway, thanks and again, sorry to get you so worked up.
It looks like the paint is cracked. with out looking at it in person there is no way to give you a true answer. my helmet has cracks in the paint with no structure dammage. They resemble the cracks on your helmet. Paint cracks if this is the case you could sand it down and repaint it if you want. You could alwayse contact carns and see if they would look at the helmet and repair the dammage.


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