Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Easton Fire Department
My Training:
Not going to compare resume's with you. I have many certs, and dont feel the need to post them for the world. I have learned alot from taking classes, and have learned more by keeping my eye's and ears open and mouth shut. Was damn lucky to be able to go to work and work beside firefighters and officers who avgeraged 30 years on the job on busy Ladder, engine and rescue companies there entire carreer. Picking there brains for every bit of knowledge one can, and what they taught is tried and true experience....Far more important than any cert in my opinion.
About Me:
I'm 38 years old. I enjoy duck hunting in the fall and chasing my boy around the woods on his dirtbike when ever I can see him.....Usually he is the green blurr that buzz's me when he laps me on the trail. My time in EMS is quickly coming to an end! I cringe everytime the tone drops for the ambulance, finding it harder to keep up with updates for various reasons...one of which is ... i just dont have it in me anymore!
Day Job:
This is my Job, I'm not a plumber who plays fireman when I feel like it!
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Family tradition, My Dad was on the BFD for 33 years, My grandfather and great Grandfather all have been on the BFD.
oh cool mrs brenda gray's son Brad was my baseball coach. I'm good friends with them all. When your down this way tell them to get in touch with me and i'll show you our station and my career station also if you would like. Stay safe
Hey Brother, planning on visiting Boston this summer with the guys from my Fire Station. We always like going to the Sparks/Museum and then Frank Fitzgerald takes our small cure on some firehouse tours.
I'm truly sorry for your terrible loss. Dartmouth Fire District 3 sent some guys up there for the service and I speak on behalf of all of us just 40 minutes south of you that we are feeling the loss too. We have a picture of Lt. Kelly up at all our stations and many thoughs and prayers are being said everyday. Hopefully we can all learn something from the tragic accident. Sorry again, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask.
Hey Brother...great responses on the "who would you rescue..." thread. I posted about "my baby" being a cat about 3 lines before reading your german shep comment.
Stay Safe
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Stay Safe
Thanks Brother:)
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