What is the best Song to drive to a Call?

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Song? the only "song" should be the wail of the siren and blast of air horns.
You should be listening to the the radio tuned to the frequency that you are dispatched on and listen for orders.
How 'bout a little Wagner for our brother from Deutschland? Ritt der Walkuren (Ride of the Valkyries) would seem to be appropriate.


Your "wail of the siren and blast of air horns" response has a poetry all it's own. (Almost Wagnerian, you might say).
And I hope your good advice was not lost on Herr Dau. (As can happen, it seems, in cyberspace).
Great, now I'm gonna be singing that in my head all day long!
As a Heavy Vehicle Trainer along with our Station's Driver Trainer, I know what the answer better be if you ask any of our guys! Full attention has to on A-Driving,B-Tactical Radio & C- What the Officer is saying-end of story.
Any wonder why there are so many apparatus accidents? Stay focused on your job, listen to the music after the call.
thank you, my son love this song!
looks like most of the answers was by exemplary firefighter, that´s good, but it is true ...

so in germany we can´t listen music, because a few of our trucks have a radio and we don´t have headphones like you in the states, your air-horn are louder. when our trucks stop, we have to be ready to go in, so headphones would brake us. many differences, because another tatics between the states and germany, but that is not the discussion here.

so see it theoretical "What song would you like to hear, if you can?"

be safe and best regards from germany
How 'bout that 1812 Overture. Maybe the William Tell Overture. (Yeah, I know. It would have to be a long ride to the fire).

Best wishes from the States.

Wholleeeeee! WTF kinda question would that be? a trick? pulllllease tell us that you are not serious about listening to tuneage while operating a fire apparatus!!! I think the good ol' boys that answered here are right. Listen to your officer, listen to your siren, pay attention to the surroundings while driving, pay attention to the other drivers you might be scaring the chit out of with your lead foot, and think about the JOB AT HAND! If you are not concerned about the passengers you are carrying and the people who must share the road with you, then for god's sake stay the hell OFF THE APPARATUS! and just in case, (pardon my German language) should you be listening to music? the answer is NEIN NEIN NEIN!!

Get a hold of yourself. Our friend from Germany realizes das ist verboten! He is now asking the question in a merely "theoretical" way.
Some of our guys like to sing their own songs on the way back from calls and parades.
99 bottles of beer?

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