Patrick Dau
  • 48, Male
  • Nordrhein-Westfalen
  • Germany
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Patrick Dau's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
11 Years Volunteer Firefighter, 3 Years Paid Firefighter and EMS
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Fire Department Monheim am Rhein
Years With Department/Agency
3 Years
Dept. Web Site:
Web Site:
http://No Sorry, next time
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
FD Cologne
About Me:
i stay for a month in the U.S. and work at the FD Portage / IN and FD Chesterton / IN, also i spend many time at the VFD Beverly Shores and VFD Pine Town Ship

i want to know what it means to be a firefighter in U.S. and want to know more about the "BROTHEHHOOD", but ... it was many more what i could find out! Now i know what it mean´s to be a member of a "FIREFIGHTER FAMILY"

Thank you Himan´s, i will never forget what you have done for me!
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
appointment or appropriation
Why I Love Fire/EMS
it is a passion, a life task!

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Patrick Dau's Blog

thank you!

Posted on July 20, 2009 at 10:04am 0 Comments

my time in the u.s.a i will never forget it. thank you for all BROTHERS!

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At 12:26pm on June 21, 2010, Alex LEMP said…
hi patrick horst kann dir nicht mehr antworten. er ist im gefängnis hier der link dann kannste sehen wAS passiert ist
At 7:07am on April 15, 2010, Matthew Voges said…
We went through there coming over here. Wish I could off seen some of the country though.
At 3:09pm on April 7, 2010, Tino "Blueeye" Reinhold said…
Danke für die Einladung :-) Grüße und stay safe
At 4:05am on April 2, 2010, Ina Dummann said…
danke für die einladung...nice pics :-) liebe grüße ina
At 6:30pm on August 4, 2009, Horst said…
Patrick, where in the US do you want to live? and why? After living so many years in the US, I would trade places with you anytime. Remember, the grass is not always greener on the other side. If you move to the US with your family, you will ending up on the losing side because you will have to pay for your own health insurance and most American companies don't offer retirement like in Germany. What about the family? Do the kids and wife speak English? Can your wife cook American style because you will be hard pressed to find German products here. America lives off a fast food and most things are artificial. What kind of work do you want to do here? Do you have an employer or family member that can sponsor you and your family? I know its alot of questions, but when you make the step it cost lots of money and if you make the wrong step or decision you could end up losing everyting over here. I'm not trying to scare you but in America its every man for himself. Maine has one of the best social systems...pretty close to Germany right now. So, if you have any questions, ask me. Take care, Horst
At 6:55pm on August 3, 2009, Horst said…
danke es lebt sich , kein stress und ssehr ruhig hier , bist du noch in deutschland ,und du warst hier um mal zusehen wies laeuft ? und jetzt willst du fuer immer nach den u.s.a. ,verstehe ich das richtig ? wenn ja dann ist das schon en ting ich will zurueck und du willst her, lustig ! Maine ist ein state wo du dich sehr erholen kannst ! natur pur !!! und entschultige mein deutsch ,ist nicht mehr das beste !
At 11:11am on August 3, 2009, Horst said…
Danke fuer die Einladung Kamerad , und schoene Bilder haste da !
At 10:12pm on June 18, 2009, Ron said…
I hope some day to visit Stuttgart where I was born. I also lived in Frankfut and Galenhausen.
At 11:27pm on May 6, 2009, Tony P said…
G'day Patrick. It looks like your question about RIT/On-Deck has been missed. Might be a better idea to start a new thread with your questions about what those things are? I have very little idea, as we don't use the 'RIT' concept in Australia and I'd never heard of the 'On-Deck' idea. Good luck.
At 8:33pm on January 29, 2009, Buster said…
Hey Brother, Sorry to hear the sad news. When you see him please tell him that we are very sorry for his loss!

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